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Everything posted by markboyer

  1. markboyer


    Exposure Date: 2015:09:18 17:01:34; Make: LGE; Model: Nexus 5; ExposureTime: 8282461/1000000000 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 148; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 3 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Macintosh); ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R98;
  2. markboyer

    A Domestic Beast

    Quite cool. The decision to go B&W was perfect. HDR, I assume?
  3. markboyer

    Morning Sundancer

    Is this Watson Lake? Nicely done, in any case. I like the way the clouds lead the eye from above and the rocks from below. Good comp.
  4. markboyer


    Wow. What an eye-catcher. Very creative and beautifully executed.
  5. I chose Documentary because Shelter Dogs tells a story about one of the harsher realities of our world today. These two girls were as closely bonded as any living creatures could be; they were around eight years old and dumped by their owner who didn't want to care for them as they aged and developed health issues. Their sad story continued to play out from here. They were separated, one being adopted the other taken by a rescue group. The latter was quite sick. The two were ultimately reunited briefly right before Emma passed away. Anyone who thinks these animals don't have souls and don't feel deeply and experience pain and loss and fear only had to meet these two lovely pooches.
  6. markboyer


    Exposure Date: 2015:01:29 09:34:48; Make: LGE; Model: Nexus 5; ExposureTime: 1/30 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 1047; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 3 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows); ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R98;
  7. markboyer


    Exposure Date: 2015:01:03 14:25:20; Make: Canon; Model: Canon EOS REBEL SL1; ExposureTime: 1/100 s; FNumber: f/6; ISOSpeedRatings: 3200; ExposureProgram: Aperture priority; ExposureBiasValue: 0/1; MeteringMode: Pattern; Flash: Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode; FocalLength: 45 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows); ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R03;
  8. markboyer


    Exposure Date: 2015:01:03 14:24:03; Make: Canon; Model: Canon EOS REBEL SL1; ExposureTime: 1/50 s; FNumber: f/6; ISOSpeedRatings: 3200; ExposureProgram: Aperture priority; ExposureBiasValue: 0/1; MeteringMode: Pattern; Flash: Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode; FocalLength: 45 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows); ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R03;
  9. markboyer


    Exposure Date: 2015:04:25 10:31:00; Make: LGE; Model: Nexus 5; ExposureTime: 1/24 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 971; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 3 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows); ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R98;
  10. Exposure Date: 2015:03:25 15:59:59; Make: LGE; Model: Nexus 5; ExposureTime: 1/24 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 888; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 3 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows); ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R98;
  11. markboyer


    Exposure Date: 2015:01:03 14:24:52; Make: Canon; Model: Canon EOS REBEL SL1; ExposureTime: 1/15 s; FNumber: f/6; ISOSpeedRatings: 3200; ExposureProgram: Aperture priority; ExposureBiasValue: 0/1; MeteringMode: Pattern; Flash: Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode; FocalLength: 45 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows);
  12. markboyer


    Exposure Date: 2015:03:28 14:14:04; Make: LGE; Model: Nexus 5; ExposureTime: 1/30 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 225; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 3 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows); ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R98;
  13. markboyer


    Exposure Date: 2015:01:07 09:10:28; Make: LGE; Model: Nexus 5; ExposureTime: 1/30 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 958; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 3 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows); ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R98;
  14. Exposure Date: 2015:01:03 16:42:49; Make: Canon; Model: Canon EOS REBEL SL1; ExposureTime: 1/50 s; FNumber: f/6; ISOSpeedRatings: 1600; ExposureProgram: Aperture priority; ExposureBiasValue: 0/1; MeteringMode: Pattern; Flash: Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode; FocalLength: 46 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows); ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R03;
  15. markboyer


    Exposure Date: 2015:02:25 16:51:05; Make: LGE; Model: Nexus 5; ExposureTime: 1/24 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 1344; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 3 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows); ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R98;
  16. markboyer

    Are we family?

    Terrific capture with a nice balance. I just wish the arm wasn't there.
  17. markboyer

    Ash Gets Adopted

    A happy day at the animal shelter: Ash gets adopted. To me, this is one of those magical shots you luck into. The image was taken with my Google Nexus cell phone and received minimal processing in Photoshop.
  18. markboyer

    Ash Gets Adopted

    Exposure Date: 2015:06:17 17:13:24; Make: LGE; Model: Nexus 5; ExposureTime: 8282461/1000000000 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 205; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 3 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows); ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R98;
  19. Love this. Great composition; the slight angle of the window lends tension and interest, and the muted color tone gives the photo an emotional heft.
  20. markboyer

    Old town-9

    Excellent image. Good composition with the interesting angle of the building juxtaposed with the two boys. Good color, too.
  21. markboyer

    Dry brush painting

    I adore this. It is compelling, though I can't quite explain why.
  22. markboyer


    Excellent. Immediately striking.
  23. markboyer


    This is great. I am jealous.
  24. markboyer

    Konak square-Izmir

    Wonderful image. It pulsates with life and just makes me smile.
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