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Image Comments posted by mediamanipulation



    haha! its pretty crowded... La Planete des Singes aka Monkey Planet (1968 Pierre Boulle great work!) and yes the images from the movie had marked me since childhood, but this was a find at a sculpture park here. its all rusting and dangerous looking, lots of broken glass and sharp points.( i missed the artists' name

    good reason to go back!) want to shoot on a real foggy morning.

    catty cat


    Thank you Rebecca! was actualy more intrested in the shapes and placement of the lines than documenting the cat itself, (all due respect to the kitty, she's a lovley cat!)

    maybe i should have increased the contrast more to imply

    my intent. i do appriciate you taking the time to comment!

  1. if you have read 1984 or seen the movie

    with hurt and burton, it just reminded me of it.

    kind of ominous i suppose... but symbolism is

    in the eye of the beholder :) .

    the Brave Little Toaster haha looked it up on imdb.com

    i don't even get where your heading with that one but

    if you feel it so be it

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