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Image Comments posted by chad_goldman



    I was actually suprised that the colors turned out this well. the actual pipes are a washed out color. I only took 2 pics of them b/c I didn't think it was worth it. I was actually trying out AGFA film for the first time and was pleased to see the color.


    Thanks again!


    Flying fly


    I'm making another comment. Ok, Flys aren't the cutest thing in the world true. But, Catching a fly in flight at this angle. Incredible, it may not be cute but its freakin cool. What I try to do when I'm rating if a particular genre pops up that i'm not interested in, i SKIP it. I'm not going to give poor ratings to a style I don't necessarily like.

    This is one of my fav pics now, maybe its just the science nerd in me...



    Like the colors. This is very similar to some of my pics. Same plant (or similar species) but the flower is yellow.

    Very nice.


  1. To the guys building the road, this is 'easy' work. Easy in the sense that they don't have to think about what they are doing. They are constructors, building makes sense. The guys watching and baffeled and thinking, 'that's interesting, how do they..."


    If we switch roles, put the guys in suits in their workplace, maybe finiancial, maybe law, who knows, and allowed the blue collar workers to peek in, the blue collar work would be baffeled and thinking, 'that's interesting, how do they..."


    Granted, not everyone is interested in every job someone else does. But, to some people, building a road or a building makes perfect sense. Other people would be completely baffeled. Some people like the financial world others are baffeled. etc etc.

    Cool pic.

    Contemplating Life


    My niece (just barely 2) decided to pose for me. Each time the

    camera clicked she changed poses, it was quite cute.


    Please critique some of my other photos as well. It is helping me





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