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Posts posted by chad_goldman

  1. I recently took some photos of my sister's wedding. In attendance was her 3 yr old lil' girl (who, i must say, is wonderfully cooperative when taking her picture, she loves it). Anyways, Since it was near dusk I had to use slow shutter speeds, <1/60. I didn't have a remote release for my shutter, so I used the timer. 50% of all shots w/my niece in it will be candid, for the fact that the 10 second timer was too much for her to stand perfectly still. A number of times the photo (which i haven't recieved back yet) will have her arms waving and a frozen mouth shouting out "hurry uncle chad, your gonna miss it!"


    Long story short, don't try the patience of even the most patient 3 yr old. work quick, have fun.


    cg :)

  2. I'm in the process of reviewing cameras. Until recently I had been

    set on the D70. Now with the canon rebel XT, I'm unsure which to go

    after. I am on a budget, want to spend under 1000, (may even go

    with the rebel for that matter. I have 2 Nikon currently, my first

    camera, a N75. With that I have a 75-300 lens. My other camera is

    a coolpix 5400, with no additional lenses. I have went over and

    over details which seperate the two and one I cannot figure out

    which to go for. One 'big' difference is the nikon is 6.1 mp and

    the xt is 8 mp. how much of a difference is this going to be? I've

    seen excellent photos taken with each. I'm at a loss and will take

    any advice.




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