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patrick flynn

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Posts posted by patrick flynn

  1. Nedine, if you are lucky you live near a major metropolitan area that has a place were you can rent cameras. This is a good way to make sure that you are comfortable with the choice you will eventually make. I've purchased my Pentax 645N and I love it for what I use it for. FYI> ONE other thing that I've noticed makes a big difference is the film you choose and the lab you choose to process. Once you choose a camera/lens I would recommend purchasing a few different films and shoot a variety of subjects with each of them and take them were you think you will have your film processed. This way you will shorten your learning curve with your choice in film selection and you will not potentially ruin a photo, shooting with the wrong film.
  2. I'm looking for a recommendation for a fast lens for my 20D. I would prefer

    that have a small amount of zoom say 85-150 give or take and it have macro

    capability. Recommendations?

  3. (This has happened twice to me now)... I rate a picture and it tells

    me that I have already rated this photo 7 / 7. & I hadn't rated it

    before. When it happened today the picture I was rating indicated

    that it hadn't been rated yet. Yet it told me that I already rated

    it 7/7. Just FYI

  4. I would like "my workspace" on Photo.net to show me what photo's are

    new for the people I have selected as interesting. I think it

    currently tells us how many of the people have posted new photo's

    within the last 30 days. I would like there to be a link to each of

    the peoples new photo's. Thanks for your time. Patrick

  5. I have to qualify this answer with,"I've only shot two weddings". With that in mind, I have used the zoom with outstanding results. I brought 3 other lenses with me, but I didn't need them. I also should tell you that I don't use the auto focus very often, I get frustrated with it.(too slow)


    Hope that helps

  6. Thanks. I had a hunch the film was a large part of the problem. I've shot Kodak NC400 for a few weddings and was VERY pleased. (Processed / proofed elsewhere) I thought the Vivid Color would be the film for landscapes. Guess NOT. The paper was Fujicolor Crystal Archive... I'm taking the negs to Light Waves in San Francisco. I think they will be able to help some. Thanks again.
  7. I hope my images can be fixed! I took 23 rolls of film on a

    nationwide trip including the Grand Canyon and the Grand Tetons. I

    only took 3 rolls of Fuji rvp slide film. I had the film and Fuji

    processed @ Cali Color in Sacramento... I had been taking my film to

    Ferrari Color but they stopped processing film. The Fuji slides are

    absolutely perfect. The Kodak film looks aweful.. The colors are

    flat and without saturation. This was a once in a lifetime trip and

    I'm curious if a professional can "bring back" the colors of my

    trip. I'm close to San Francisco and would be happy to deliver my

    negs. there.... I shoot with a Pentax 645N. ANY help would be

    appreciated! Thanks.

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