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Image Comments posted by rollmjr

  1. Thanks, Robert. Unfortunately, there's nothing that I can do now about stepping slightly to the left. I wish that I had--it would have made a significant difference (for the better). However, I just did submit a "quickee" auto level adjusted version. Take a look. It is an improvement, albeit, I'll have to file the image away for future work. Regards, M.R.


    Thanks, Pierre. I've finally got my 35mm film negative/slide scanner up and running, albeit on a very basic level. Much more to learn. This image was scanned from a 35mm film negative and then post processed in photoshop. Such wonderful technology! I still can't get the log and sand looking lively enough....well, as lively as it was when the sun came through the clouds and lit it up for me when I was there at the time. Again thanks for your comments. Regards, M.R.
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