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Posts posted by sblain

  1. <p>A friend of mine read this thread and saw a buisiness oportunaty, a few phone calls later he located minilab equipment on 0ction sale, he thinks that offering on line quality scanns and mail servic prints is a viable investment inmy erea.<br>

    it dont matter how many times this subject has been discused, the fact that many pepoles showed interest is testimony the subject is actual.<br>

    thers alot of information on this thread, some will see positive interest in film, wich is all good.<br>

    many thanks<br>


  2. <p>john if film was to stop!<br>

    I would not invest my hard urned money on the nikon F6 im about to buy!<br>

    there are some pretty interesting digital alternatives, but id miss the feeling of old manual cameras.<br>

    Thats what it come up to, working with a well crafted no nonsens piece of art.<br>

    modern dslr do a fine job at taking photographs, but they ar a higher product of cunsumtion, they are desingned in this regard.<br>

    my old nikons have 3 decads of service on them and still will outlast me, they run years on a set of $1 button pills.<br>

    I aske the question to have a better understanding via everybodys opinions.<br>

    this is not whining its a simple exchange.<br>



  3. <p>my question is of actuality, I too have seen one hour labs close in my erea, they still offer the 24h service but send it to a broker.<br>

    in fact 4 different comerce in mt town send the c41 to the same broker, yet they charge different prices?<br>

    I see the cheeper service raissing there prices fast, thats why I wondered if this trend was going to burn film photography.<br>

    call me cheep but I got the manual focus bug not only because of the exelent gear but also because its cheep to buy, but if processing get overprice then film gear will loos its apeal for me. many pepoles will feel the same way too.<br>


  4. <p>I just started shouting film and love it, I especialy like the fact that I find 35mm print film on sale at $1 or less per roll. I buy dozens each time I see them on sale.<br>

    many place like walmart or maxi will process them at a resonable price, however some places charge 3-4 times as much for the same service, this make me wonder if procesing prices will sky roket until it simply dont make sens to shout film anymore?<br>

    also are the film days near doom?<br>

    whats your opinions on this.<br>


  5. <h1>Thanks guys</h1>

    <p>I talked to the owner and he gave me a tip, aks the operator to print as it is (not try and compensate) most pepoles working on these machines have little experience.<br>

    I am confident that with your tips and the shops understanding my photos will be a ok.<br>

    also I will be out in the jungle of PNG for the next few months, thats why the old manuals cameras with next to no need for batteries and no computer :0)<br>

    many thanks for your help have a nice summer!</p>

  6. <p>been trying to get the nice magenta and pinks to show on my 35mm negatives, no can do!<br>

    I know about slides but shoot negatives because its cheep and easy to get them processed in my erea.<br>

    I have seen many nice photos from 35mm negatives, so its not the medium its my tecnique thats at fault.<br>

    I use and love my nikon FE and EM exclusivly now days (finish with digital madness) at least for the time being.<br>

    help me nail my sunset-sunrise craving, please!<br>

    again many thanks<br>


  7. <p ><strong>Richard both FG and FE have exposure compensation dials do we really need exposure lock?</strong></p>

    <p ><strong> </strong></p>

    <p ><strong>Rgds </strong></p>

    <p ><strong> </strong></p>

  8. <p ><strong>Hears my view regarding my Nikon EM.</strong></p>

    <p ><strong> </strong></p>

    <p ><strong>First this is an aperture priority camera only, meaning I choose the aperture and the camera chooses the speed for proper exposure.</strong></p>

    <p ><strong> </strong></p>

    <p ><strong>The way I see it I should be able to select whatever aperture I wish to express a desired artistic expression (more or less dept of field )</strong></p>

    <p ><strong>The camera will select speed and tell me if I am not within proper range.</strong></p>

    <p ><strong> </strong></p>

    <p ><strong>Isn’t this calculation based on the sunny 16 rule?</strong></p>

    <p ><strong> </strong></p>

    <p ><strong>Next; this camera has no exposure compensation dial, the only way to compensate is the asa dial. This is probably why Nikon incorporated the 2stops button on this camera. Sins I started shooting my asa200 film at asa140 I get very good exposure and colors in most conditions, right now my only problem is the absence of an exposure lock.</strong></p>

    <p ><strong> </strong></p>

    <p ><strong>I think the camera is in perfect working condition and the lab is not at fault in any way, I just needed some quality time to get in touch with this little wonder, it really saddens me to think this camera will end up in my closet because of one little button.</strong></p>

    <p ><strong> </strong></p>

    <p ><strong>thanks</strong></p>

    <p ><strong>rgds</strong></p>

  9. <p ></strong>The trouth about negatives?</strong><strong> </strong></p>

    <p ></strong>Pleas correct me if I am wrong, ever sins I started shooting film with my Nikon EM my photos never really satisfied me, at first I though it was the cheep (Likon 200) I was using, then I tried a few Kodak and Fuji negatives with very similar results. This week with the help I got here on this site, I played with my exposure via (asa dial) and I got excellent color rendition from my cheep Likon film, be it Interiors outdoors or knight scenery my colors are now very pleasing.</strong></p>

    <p ></strong>So my question is; properly exposing whatever film your using more important then the brand of film itself?</strong></p>

  10. <p>Thank you very much!<br>

    I have 2 options at present (mint FE with flash sb15 50 1.8 vivitar 70-200 3.8) or (mint FG body only) both same price. I favor the FE but have no need for the extra lenses, I do find the little FG very nice too. </p>

  11. <p>I love this camera a lot even if its only aperture priority, I dont feel shutter priority is a real need for me, however exposure lock would be quite usfull. This is why I am looking for an FE as replacement.<br>

    unless you guys have a tric I dont know?</p>

  12. <p>actualy I spent the entire day shooting ducks in the wild, perfect day in good light.<br>

    this is very curious as the best photos I got with the same film was shot at lower ASA140-160. this is why my other thread about playing with ASA.<br>

    however I whould still like to know if photo labs cauld be at fault, and if they are should I consider my negatives usless?</p>

  13. <p>I shoot a few rolls of cheep film from the dollar store (Likon200ISO) witch where processed at wallmart, unfortunatly the prints came back with bad coloration, I mean the photos are good but the coloration is off. is this a common thing with cheep film? or cauld it be an exposure problem?<br>

    also how do I know if my negetives are good?<br>

    as always thanks for any help<br>


  14. <p>Michael thats about what I was aiming for (1sec bulb), but it was dark and I realised later that my camera was on the M90 mode not the bulb witch is a clic later (now I know)<br>

    however I wondered if I should get it developed anyway? or is it a wast of $.<br>

    I remember reading some time ago, that a faster speed when you dont have a tripod cauld be used with fire works.<br>

    Thanks for the link :)</p>

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