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Posts posted by sara_gibbs

  1. I have photographed many, many weddings for friends. My rule is always to be the

    professional photographer for the wedding and a few hours into the reception. I usually

    leave a reception at about 9:30 or 10. For my friends weddings I put away my camera at

    this time and enjoy the rest of the reception. My friends always know that I am done by

    that time and don't bother me to "party" until then. I figure that at a normal wedding I

    would be leaving anyway. I occasionally leave out a small back-up camera for some crazy

    shots that might happen after hours. I also always give a "friend" discount.


  2. I sold my negs and dig files to a wedding couple. The negs have my name printed on

    the top of them with copyright. Does anyone know of a release form I could give the

    couple that will allow them to have prints made from my negs with my permission at

    labs. They have been turned away from their local lab once already.


  3. I use White Lightning lights for weddings. I have 3 1800's. I used to have a cheap set

    from some other company I can't even remember, used them for two years, the lights

    are burned out, the stands are unstable...I decided a few months ago to go with White

    Lightning and have been very impressed. The equipment is VERY sturdy. The power

    is amazing. Everything is very light in weight considering how sturdy they are. I

    would highly recommend them even though they are not for a full time studio. You

    won't have to replace them anytime soon and if you get into more studio work you

    are already set.



  4. I worked with a consultant a few weeks ago that had no idea what she was

    doing. She was the coordinator for the day. The first thing she did wrong was

    put the men's boutineers on the wrong side. Then, she put a corsage on the

    Groom! I caught the bouts on the wrong side before I started pics,

    unfortunatley, I did not notice that the Groom was wearing a corsage until the

    END of our picture taking. I don't think the bride ever really noticed. I thought

    for sure she would want all the pics retaken!! Consultants usually cause more

    problems then they are worth!!


  5. Hi! I have an event coming up this weekend and have a few questions!! I am

    shooting kids rec league basketball team photos and individuals. I have access to

    memory mates to sell these photos, but does anyone know of where I can find acess

    to more than memory mates? I am in search of a company that sells trading cards,

    magazine covers, etc. Anything that parents buy with their kids photo on it now a

    days!! I have to have the options ready by this weekend!! Any help appreciated!!



  6. HI! I have done similar services at apartment complexes. Where I did this, the

    apartment complex management contacted me about setting up a shoot as

    something "nice" for their residents. It was considered part of their incentives

    for living there. I set up a small backdrop with lighting in the lobby. A flyer

    was sent out to all residents about a week before the shoot. I shot digital and

    made approx. 3 shots per resident family. sometimes another shot or 2 for the

    kids. I gave everyone 1 FREE 5x7 of MY CHOICE. I offered the other proofs

    for the people to see and purchase very inexpensive packages.


    You can't look at apartments as BIG money on an individual basis. The extra

    money is not there and they could always go to wal-mart if they are wanting

    pics. Your service has to be WITH the apt. complex as a gift to the residents. I

    still make money on the event...A couple hours work still brought me home

    $1000 in reprint/package orders. Some people took their free print and ran,

    but most bought more.


    I set a date/time with all who participated and came back one evening a week

    later with the prints. They had to pay upfront for any reprints. I delivered the

    finished packages to the apt. manager and she took care of calling her

    residents to let them know their pics were ready.


    I hope this helps!!



  7. Hi! I sometimes charge by the roll for small events (not weddings). I have an

    hourly fee for being there (Usually $175 for an event that will not last over an

    hour or so). I also charge $30 per roll when shooting 35mm. My policy has

    always been that once I put in a new roll, the client is charged for the whole

    roll whether I shoot it all or not. I have never had any complaints. The types of

    events I am talking about usually don't go over 2 to 3 rolls.



  8. I took several pics of the cake cutting, however my flash did not go off during

    the entire very quick series. I have offered to print any friends or families pics,

    but she just says that they don't look professional. Thanks for the advice on

    adding a clause in the contract about editing. I am definitely going to add that

    to my contract. Meanwhile, If the mother wants to see anything else she is

    going to have to come to me. I see that as pretty unlikely since not even the

    daughter lives here anymore!



  9. Thanks for your comments. I have already done what most of you have

    mentioned. I have been nothing but polite and suggested everything possible

    to help fix the information. This mother has had the nerve to call me after

    seeing the video and saying that during certain moments such as the cutting

    of the cake that a bright flash went off and it had to be mine. She thinks that I

    am lying to her about not having the cake cutting picture!! I have even called

    the video guy to see if he could "freeze" any of the images to help make her

    happy. The whole numbering issue is even more crazy. The mother is

    imagining actual shots that occured for those missing numbers. Even going

    as far as listing the people in the missing number shots. ( I number my proofs

    according to my negative numbers for ease of reprinting).

    Anyway, I have decided that I am going to call the daughter and see if she

    really is happy with her proofs. If she is, then I think she should talk to her

    mother. I am doing all I possibly can do for these people!!





  10. I am having a first time situation. A mother of one of my brides is accusing me

    of keeping picutures from her. For the first time ever, I MISSED the cake shot.

    My flash did not go off and the image came out black. Also, I number my

    proofs according to my negatives. (I shoot MF). The numbers are not always

    in order. (There is usually not a 10 or 17 for ex.) Anyway, this mother is

    wanting all the missing pictures. Some have closed eyes, bad expressions,

    under or over exposed, some are out of focus. I gave the bride over 300

    proofs. As a professional, don't I have the right to not give the couple photos

    that are bad representation of my work? In all these instances of closed eyes

    or bad expressions there is usually another photo in the proof book of these

    same people together. This mother is DRIVING ME CRAZY! Luckily they

    both live out of town, so it is just by phone. The mother is looking at all these

    proofs online. The daughter is not complaining (they don't get along, but the

    mother paid me) . The daughter has the actual proofs and has not gone to

    see her mother yet.


    Any advice on how to handle this mother???? She has sent me a list of all

    the "missing numbers" for me to look at. She wants all the bad pics. What

    should I do???





  11. To add to the original question...Does the main shooter (the one who hired

    the 2nd) have the rights to the 2nd shooters pics? Can they all still go under

    the 1st shooters proof book. Do both shooters names need to be mentioned?

    I have always been the solo shooter with assistants that just help me stay

    organized. They have never taken any pics during my weddings. My

    company name is MY name. How does all this work? I am thinking of hiring a

    student to come along and help with some of the PJ stuff when I am too busy

    shooting the formals. I know I miss alot of great action during those times.

  12. Thanks for all the advice guys! I never have had anyone say anything to me

    about their photo on my site. Someone did however ask me the other day that

    if I needed their permission it was ok for me to put their photos on my site. It

    just got me wondering if I always need to do this. I usually mention in some

    way that I am planning on using my clients photos on my site, but except for

    wedding photography, I have never gotten anything in writing. I have always

    just figured that if someone I used had a problem with it I would just take their

    photo off. There are plenty of people on my site that I know do not mind. One

    less photo will not hurt.

  13. In my wedding contracts there is a portion stating that I can use their

    photographs for my own advertinsing purposes, such as on my website. Do I

    have to have a couples permission to do this? All of my wedding customers

    sign contracts, however for children or families, etc. a contract is not always

    signed. Do I need those people's permission to put their photo on my


    Just wondering...

  14. Hi! I am typically a wedding photographer widening my abilities during my

    slower season. I have a shoot coming up for photographing basketball team

    photos for a rec league. My question is about pricing and selling packages. I

    have heard of memory mates which include a individual photo and a team

    photo but I am unsure of how to price them, package them, or display them.

    Should I pre-sell them when the pics are taken? Any help is appreciated!!



  15. I am in the Nashville area and Bridal Shows here are a huge sucess! In my

    area there are usually a number of different shows a year and you have to

    pick and choose which ones are "worth it". I find more sucess at the larger

    shows then at the smaller ones with less photographers. Brides seem to be

    more serious at the larger shows. You just need to find out who is hosting the

    show and call them up. There are a range of displays at these shows from a

    few very large prints to lots of smaller prints. You also need a range of

    albums for viewing.



  16. Hi! I am a Full Time Wedding Photographer who just got married in April. It

    did not seem right to me to pay for another pro to make prints and albums

    knowing how much we really pay for these things compared to what we

    charge. I also wanted albums and enlargements to look like my photography

    because that is the style I like. I found a photographer that was willing to give

    me a break. We looked at her regular package prices and subtracted all the

    "extras". I payed her her usual profit she makes from a wedding. (Her

    package was $2000 including albums and reprints. She profits usually $1000

    of this). I payed her $1000, she processed the film, made proofs, and gave

    me the proofs and negs. That way she had the opportunity to make copies of

    any prints she wanted to use for herselp in the future. I was able to take the

    negs and make my own albums usuing my own album companies.


    I looked at several phototgraphers in the area and was insulted when they

    were not willing to give another Pro a bit of a break. I would shoot my own

    wedding if I could, but I can't. I also began sending any inquires I get for dates

    already booked to "my" wedding photographer. So we both won. She

    booked 3 additional weddings before mine of clients that I sent directly to her.


    Be nice to other Pros and they will be nice to you to if you need help in the

    future. What would you want from another Pro if you needed a photographer?


    Hope this helps...




  17. I show my clients a slideshow on my laptop with music first. I then follow with

    the traditional proofs that they can take home with them and look at. If my

    client has spent a significant amount of money with me with reprints, albums,

    etc. then I "top off" a job by giving them a DVD in movie format of their

    wedding day at no charge. They think they are getting a great gift.



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