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Posts posted by paul_mcevoy

  1. That's great help everyone, very much appreciated. I'm overwhelmed by the amount and knowledge of help I just got.


    Couple of things:

    Does the Mamiya have the approachability of the Yashica as far as being something that people aren't scared off by?


    If I was carrying around the Mamiya and a manual SLR all day, would I be tired out? I'm assuming I could use a neck strap with either camera?


    I'm interested in two subjects right now:


    Irish Musicians in Boston, doing two different projects: one a portrait series of musicians and their instruments, in a sort of traditional, posed format (this is the part that I would like to use the TLR for) and a looser feeled set of photos of people playing.


    The other project I'm interested in doing is a photo documentary piece about Hmong farmers who are renting land and farming in Massachusetts. I just saw a book last night that is almost exactly the style that I would like, I can't remember the name of the photographer, Carol Kapp or something, and it was about a group like the Hutterites, but wasn't. Anyway, that would be outdoors shots mostly.


    Thanks for the advice about aperture...I hadn't thought about the need for flash. I am indeed used to my 50mm 1.7 Pentax lens.


    Thanks again for your help!

  2. Hey there,


    I'm itching to get a TLR. Currently I have a variety of Pentax SLRs.

    My main interest is doing photodocumentary work indoors and out, some

    to do with agriculture and some with Irish music.


    In image quality alone, do you think there is any difference in optics

    between the Yashica 124 and Mamiya 330? The Mamiya offers more

    flexibility, the Yashica simplicity and economy. I've only held the

    Yashica, and I loved the feel of it in my hands.


    Thanks for you opinions.



  3. Hi there,


    I had a photo album of break dancers that I put online. They were

    some of the first photos I ever shot, but I still love them. Anyway,

    someone found them online and wants to use some of them for an

    advertisement for another break dancing group.


    Two questions:

    1) I have no model release and don't even know the names of the guys

    dancing. It was in the middle of Harvard Square in Cambridge.

    2) If I do have the rights to these pictures, how much would I charge

    for this?


    Thanks for any advice.



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