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Image Comments posted by kharlamov_sergey

  1. My work - not about a regret of people, she about senseless page of history.. And about huge quantity of human victims! Though on the other hand, my people is proud, that greatness of the country which was earlier. Simply now, all ideals are crushed, �౲尧୻ and are discussed basically, as the reason of all present troubles of people!

    Banners - as a symbol of the country and the last epoch, lay on the ground, they are trampled, spat, they are surrounded with a fascist swastika - they are not capable to resist already - they that! But all this about a regret, and work, about the Soviet epoch and about senselessness numerous victims, by the way, feats - in fact now it in the past, and when that.....

  2. April 2004.

    I have lived some part of the life at " the Soviet ideology ",

    was more precisely brought up on it, as well as all my


    But here now, when all has sunk into nonexistence,

    all time those great feats of an epoch to which in due time could

    turn the world " from legs on a head " are recollected.

    Right now, for all victims of " a great epoch " became known.

    And a unique question arising inevitably: WHAT FOR?

    For the sake of what, all these human lives brought on a sacrificial


    So that now, about that time of Great feats, the legs,

    his descendants wiped.. Here it also is " Triumph of a great epoch "!

    Yes his heroes among whom and my ancestors - in what that degrees,

    I regret together with you will forgive me!

    "To run!"

    All thanks! Arthur Fleischmann: I do not know, on how many I can explain through the translator.. In this work, the question is soul, as however in many my works! This house - a monastery of gloom, �尮��謠loneliness and many other negative emotions which exist in human life - it as a symbol of all oppressive! The bird is a soul of the girl which tries to escape from gloomy ﳲ.... At each of us, in a life was such when all would be desirable to throw and run!!!!

    Time "X"

    Bobby Douglas: Actually - these strips not artefacts. They are conceived by me, as effect not terrestrial light! Very much it was pleasant to me, your exact remark, about sewing together of the staff:) Indeed, I connect the staff in Photoshop constantly and I admit a lot of computer processing - as my problem, first of all to create a work of art! By the way, I as well as you, remove on the formatted chamber:)



    March 2004.

    "I have lost the way where that as fiduciary a universe,

    And appeared in a gloomy chasm of life,

    And whose that memory has lodged in consciousness,

    And whose that a pain, and whose that a shadow, and where I?"

    (verses Elena Mozzharova)


    All many thanks! Recently, I began to do less than works in style NUDES.. As, me began to interest more, more thin things in human psychology! For me - the image of a naked body - simply senseless picture, I hope me adherents of this style (nude) will not condemn But it would not be desirable to break off at all and I hope there will be new works, and hope more intelligent!


    Andrzej Dragan: I have understood you! It is difficult for me to explain, using for dialogue the Internet the translator..:) In Photoshope, my favourite tools: Clone stamp tool; Brush tool; Patch tool; Healing brush tool; Eraser tool; Dodge / burn tool; and certainly History brush tool. The sequence of use of different tools, depends on a task in view. In general, I the self-educated person and consequently to me am easier:)!
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