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Image Comments posted by hudsonphotos


    Head on lighting is flat and boring. If you had stood behind the young man and shot at an angle the light from the flash would be more modeled and you and your flash would have been left out of the photo. I don't think you could charge a bride for this picture.
  1. Lighting is very nice. The right hand is all that bothers me. It looks like it's bent back ina painful way. Hand placement is very dificult I know. Maybe you have it bent that way to follow the lines of the image?



    re: "How do you know they are implants?"


    Seriously? First off, real breasts aren't perfectly round. And secondly (the biggest giveaway) real breasts don't retain perfect roundness when a woman is lying on her back... they fall off to the sides towards the armpits... that's the biggest giveaway - fake breasts don't move! They're just always round like that. But, the woman is still beautiful nonetheless.


    Very nice image, but it's not a "nude" until the model is nude! Loosing the lingerie will take this to a higher level artistically (as would changing this to black and white!)


    It's very refreshing to view a photograph that one has never seen before. Not at all predictable. Good work!
  2. I like the image (except for the filter) but I do not like the frame. It is competing with the image too much. I read in a magazine abuot a darkroom printer that never puts borders on his prints because the borders (or in this case frame) competes with the image too much. Why take great image and then put a big frame around it?

    Night shot


    Is the blur intentional or did you do it on purpose?


    If it was intentional, I like it. Another fine grained non-blur shot of this structure would be, well, just another picture. This one adds interest and artistic qualities to a much too overly-photographed subject. There is an image in a current photo magazine of a NYC street scene taken by the former mayor. It is blurry like this. It adds interest where there was none before.


    If you didn't mean to blur this and it's an accident, get a tripod!

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