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Image Comments posted by aaronmwhite


    I don't think I could ever get tired of looking at your portraits! I love the simple detail here, her expression is great, the hair falls perfectly on her face, and the line from the top of her shirt is at just the right angle! Nice job! -Aaron


    Great capture! This definately a moment in time for these girls to look back on when they are looking at this photo years from now. Classic shot. -Aaron

    Karen & Ted

    This a great shot, especially knowing how it came to be! The groom's expression doesn't bother me at all, his hand on her shoulder the way it is does kind of imply he is pushing her away, but that's nitpicking! I'm sure this is a great memory for the couple! Nice capture! Aaron

    Brandon & Cynthia

    Thanks a lot guys for taking the time to critique this shot. A little background information for you: this couple just moved back to Illinois from California where Brandon worked on a diving boat, and his profession very much became a part of him. This row boat was lying on the property where they were wed, it was the closest thing to their life in California so I had to pose them with it! As far as the cropping of the left side of the photo and Cynthia's feet, I couldn't agree more. Someday I'll get better equipment (medium format would be great!) and hopefully with a little more practice those things won't escape me. As far as the lighting goes...that's another thing I'm needing more practice on. This was my first wedding, so I did it for the experience pro bono. First wedding, outdoors, natural light changing constantly, using new speedlight for the first time, you should've seen me sweating trying to get the shots during the ceremony! But it was a great experience! Thanks again for your input on what you noticed about this shot! -Aaron
  1. I like the composition, especially the way the line curves from her hip to the upper left of the photo. Personally I would like to have seen the belly button in focus as well, but this works too. The title, tattoo, and the areas in focus all work well together. Also, I like seeing all three versions together too. Nice shot!
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