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Posts posted by geri

  1. "I would definitely NOT suggest taking the name of the photographer off of the posted images. Copyright is only one reason. There are others."<br>

    Vincent, if this is going to happen, then I better go ahead and mark <b>every</b>one as interesting, so I can find their folders again! I mean, how else are we supposed to keep track of the photographers we appreciate? Even if the names are unveiled after a few days, unless I commented, I'd have no way to find the person whose work appealed to me.<br><br>


    I'd like to keep the names visible.

  2. <i>"With this new anonymous approach, I now get all of the sting and none of the salve. I guess I can consider myself one of the losers.</i>"<br><br>


    I do know what you mean, and I empathize. That's why, if my comment includes an "idea" of what might have been done differently to an image, I always add that I'm not a photographer. That way, the submitter can be aware that it wasn't from an expert, and ignore it, or whatever.<br>


    Maybe some members won't mind leaving their rating in a comment? I saw that suggested above. Some may protest that, too. Oh well.

  3. "<i>For example, how would one translate 'Pickup-drivin' gun-totin' pot-smokin' baba' into German or Chinese?</i>"<br><br>


    Hahahaha! Yes, I copy comments under photos written in another language, and go to a site that translates for free. Then I end up translating the translation. <b>:D</b>

  4. ...and stick in "1's" & "2's"!!  I hope everyone knows I'm joking. It's funny, recently I've been engaging in my own experiment. Which is simply to comment more, and only occasionally rate. I read the threads 'round here, seems many photographers rather hear feedback than see a number, anyway. Besides, I'm not a photographer, so if I'm "unsure" of a photo, I think it's best all around if I write vs. rate. After all, I can't tell anyone what to do to "fix" something, I can only say what I see, feel, and would "like to see".
  5. I agree, Vito. But if you look <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=008PUi">here</a>, you'll see another discussion on this. One of the concerns mentioned that some people would use the edit feature to change an [abusive] post. I'm not personally concerned about my typos. But sometimes after viewing something I wrote days before, I feel I could have expressed it more lucidly, etc... With some of the urgent issues, members may not be able to wait until the perfect phrasing/expression dawns upon them.<br><br>


    I may come back and add something, seeing that I can't edit this. :P

  6. Thank you so much for posting this alert! I really hope that none of the photographers that received a similar mail lost money. If I had received something that was ostensibly credible, and gave my name & addy, I'd still wait for the check to clear first. If that would be "unacceptable" to the "customer", then the setup of the deal would be unacceptable to me.
  7. Vincent, you're not alone, I didn't know this feature existed, either. <b>:D</b>   I've been following up on pictures I've commented on/rated by going into my workspace, looking at my comments, and clicking "item" to see if anything new had been added. Gonna bookmark the linky, make this even handier. :P
  8. <i>"well geri, how about putting a comment on the photo you rated me 2/3 on. it tips me off when people do this, and have nothing interesting or educated to say about people's work."</i><br>

    Paul, you are absolutely right, and be it known right now that I never intended to anger you or be the cause of any negative reaction(s) you felt. This is indeed my fault, as I had not left a comment--(and I have no excuse for that, no defense). Also, I went back and looked at your picture again, and I realized a far worse blunder. When I viewed it initially, I didn't look at the title or your comment. Basically, I rated your picture completely ignorant of what you were portraying. Since I've been reading the titles and comments of each picture I rated, I have no idea how I neglected to do this for yours. <br><br>


    If you would like, I can leave a comment, or send it to you without posting. Though you began by asking for a comment, I don't know if you were speaking only out of anger, or if you even give a crap. Besides that, since I've gone and checked your picture again, the context I now understand would cause me to rate it differently. I feel very badly about this, because I don't think I can reverse what I've done(?) At the very least, I could mention in my comment what mistake I made, and post what I feel the rating <b>should</b> have been.<br><br>


    <i>"you may consider yourself a 'professional' with all the complex passages you use to describe people's work in your comments, like "You call this "Lonely", but somehow, I think that boat is hiding a secret." Is there an oar concealed beneath the boat?? You should have been a poet."</i><br>

    LOL! Even though you are berating me, (and no, I don't fight you on this, I know what I've done wrong)-- this made me laugh. Not being sarcastic in any way, okay? As for your comment about me being a professional, <b>no</b>, I am not. In my personal info, I explained why I am here, and I truly hope no one resents it, especially you. Now listen.<br><br>

    I'm trying to make peace here, and I've gone to your folders and looked at a lot of your work. (I'm not just saying this), but I saw some really amazing images there. I was inclined to rate one, but now I don't know if you would prefer that I don't. Could you just please tell me what would (help) rectify the matter? I have talents, but it sure ain't like yours. I could never do what you do. Perhaps I should have never rated in the first place. ~~sigh~~<br><br>


    <i>"Until you have better photos, and a comment to back your crappy ratings, don't bother rating my photos, because i simply don't care."</i><br>

    As I said in my so-called bio, if I upload pictures, you will all get a nice laugh. But for specific reasons, I didn't think that not having skills in Photography excluded me from the ability to judge. I'm sure many of you will think otherwise, and I can't negate that in any way, what do I know? Anyway, I think what I stated above says it all for me, what I'd like to do, and with utmost sincerity. I'm very sorry about all of this. : ( I've only been here for a couple days, but I can't describe the sheer awe and respect that I have for what's being done here. The way I feel about your craft makes me even more regretful that I blundered in such a way. But I've been trying to be objective and (most times) detailed in the comments I have been leaving. They're not a load of crap, I do mean every word I've written. Okay, Paul, thank you for alerting me to what I've done. If you want, send an e-mail, or just post here. : )

  9. "I should know somebody thought this before :))"<br>

    Well, you're not the only one! I just posted very emphatically in another thread, not more than 15 minutes ago, this same idea. Oh well. Guess someone will write back, "<i>We already <b>did</b> this...</i>"<br>:P

  10. I've only joined yesterday, and I found myself "stuck" in the gallery for hours. The work shown has impressed me beyond words, and I respect what the Photographers are offering. Therefore, I'm highly empathetic towards the Photographers regarding these gallery "spammers", who have nothing better to do than click a "1" or "2" on everything they see. Perhaps they can't count beyond this, so they click what they know.<br><br>


    All sarcasm aside: I don't know how difficult this would be to implement, but I saw a suggestion above about eliminating the "1" and "2", as most raters aren't using it anyway. But what do you think about this:<br><br>


    Allow members to <b><i>only</b></i> submit "1" or "2" with an attached comment. In other words, <b>build it into the system where, if the member wants to submit those marks, "1"s and "2"s cannot be submitted <b>until</b> the member has already entered a comment</b>. This can be done with Javascript, and if I'm not mistaken, there's Javascript all "up & through" this site already. Not saying it won't be a pain in the arse, and I also don't know how many people work to maintain the galleries at Photo.net.<br><br>


    Hypothetically speaking, let's say that "Joe/Jane Schmo" continues to click those low marks, on each & every image they rate. But, AHA! they were forced to comment! Chances are, that person will have had nothing constructive, or lucid to add. So when the Photographer sees something like "You suck!" written in that comment box, he/she will know that.... well, I'll just be polite and say, the person is a jerk. The comment will have negated his/her own validity as a "rater" in the first place. Such a person can then be ignored. At least until they're banned. :P<br><br>


    AnyHOO, I think it will discourage the majority of abusers from continuing the rampage they seem to be engaged in.

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