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Posts posted by geri

  1. Thank you <b>Bob Atkins</b>, <b>JDM von Weinberg</b>, and <b>Josh Root</b> for your responses. : )<br>

    I think it was the lifetime membership that I was vaguely recalling... <br><br>


    At any rate, I'll simply do the multiple year thingey, and maintain my best behaviour...<br>

    It would suck to lose a multiple-year subscription due to bad manners. :p

  2. k. This might seem odd, but....<br><br>


    Is it possible to renew my subscription for more than 3 years?<br>

    I clicked the 'renew' link and it seems the max renewal is 3 years.<br><br>


    Though I haven't commented in the galleries for some time, I still love the site and visit often.<br>

    Since you obviously can't get rid of me :p, I would appreciate the ability to renew for up to 10 years and get it

    over with. :p<br><br>


    Please forgive me if I chose the wrong forum. The feedback area seemed the most appropriate area for this


    And btw, y'all need to fix the typo <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-post-new?topic_id=201"><u>here</u></a>

    that says,<br>

    "<i>Please <b>not</b> that Casual Conversation</i>..."<br><br>



  3. Well, I'd love a chrome job.<br><br>

    (That didn't sound right...)<br>

    At any rate, yes, I'm female, and yes, Geri is my real name. If you have any of that polish left, I'm in. And no hairy feet. :P

  4. Sandeha, I would like to thank you for your comment; and I'm pleasantly suprised that you took the time to read my info.<br>

    For that, I also thank you. <b>: )</b><br><br>


    Steve, whereas I understand your point that it is not a community of critics--(which is not what I consider myself to be, but a supporter and lover of the arts)-- I also don't think there should be such a high level of exclusivity, barring onlookers from commenting. Why, if the person has been moved by a photo, should he/she not be allowed to say it? An important point has been missed here: <b>some</b> comments by non-photographers do have "real meaning"; which is subjective, determined only by the recipient of the comments. If my input had not been appreciated or considered to be of any merit, why have photographers taken the time to e-mail me? And yet, I have never seen one photo or folder posted with a note stating that it should only be commented on by photographers. I would respect this preference. <br><br>


    The notion that non-photographers have nothing to add to PN is erroneous. Since it is obvious that some mind these comments and others do not, perhaps a note should be left under specific photos, distinguishing them as "comments from photographers only." This is the only solution that comes to mind, and one that I would heed. Quite frankly, I don't want to share my input where it isn't wanted.

  5. "In view of the dissatisfaction caused by activities of non-posters..."<br>

    I am not being deliberately picky; I simply would like to point out that it is the activities of <b>some</b> non-posters.<br><br>


    "Finally, I can't see how the requirement to post photos should offend anyone, and it might even have the benefit of causing one to think twice before acting."<br>


    Obviously, I can only speak for myself. I take no offense to this, and can fully understand why any photographer would suggest this. But a little note: some photographers <b>do</b> appreciate feedback from those that take no pictures. The responses I've received, both here in PN and through e-mail, demonstrate this. Evidently, some here find validity in the opinions of those who may be camera-challenged. :P<br><br>


    Final note... not all of us that don't/can't post photos take this site lightly, or need to "think twice" before commenting or rating. Some of us already do. I highly respect what this site is about, and the works that are being posted. I became a paying member for a reason.

  6. <b>Venecia</b>, I love your idea. As you said, those that never intended to rate wouldn't heed the note; but I also believe it would cause many to reconsider, and add something in addition to their rate. If a statement of this nature is ever included, I think your sentence should be used verbatim. :)<br><br>


    <b>David</b>, you're my hero. :) :) I don't say anything when people complain about those with no photos rating pictures. I just think to myself, "<i>I bet they can't sing a lick, but they have a favorite band/singer/group...and reasons they could list without hesitation...</i>" Well, now... You expressed my exact feelings far better than I would have. So, I don't have to say anything more. Thank you!<b>:D</b>

  7. LOL, sorry, Jay. Wondered if my post wouldn't be clear after I submitted. I was referring to the 3rd column that summarizes the rates received for Aesthetics & Originality. It looks "neater", and eliminates the additional step of viewing another page just to see the full list of rates. Hope I'm clear this time. ( ? )
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