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eric stolk

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Image Comments posted by eric stolk

    Spilled oil


    O man, I'm jealous you've found this spot before me (not very likely I'd find it, not really around the corner)

    I simply LOVE it!

    I like the harshness of the colors, the grain: it remind me of an 70's moviestill from Kojak or something.

    7/7 from me and that is very, very rare!

    Andrea and Kitten


    I see you looking/experimenting to find a sort of 'autograph'.

    Well, in this picture you found a very nice one.

    This is beautifull (the other 'effects' in your childrens-folder are not my cup of tea, to be honest)

    I rate this a 6/6


    Vriendelijke groet,


    Rick Stolk

    Early morning


    I really really like this photo.

    The expression on the girl's face is absolutely spot on (I mean: early morning, perhaps a little too early, perhaps a little cranky, perhaps a little tired)

    It's an expression that makes me wonder, so that is good.

    The format (me being a squarelover) and composition is good.

    Maybe, just maybe I would have darkened the television just a bit.

    Anyway, my compliments




    Rick Stolk

  1. haha, about your own comment.

    Personally, I always like the portraits with heads 'cut off', but in this case it is a little too much: I get too little 'information' to fill in the rest of the face.

    So, with 20% more picture, it would have been very nice...



    The mood is nice but the posing is too careless.

    - You see a bit of the towel under her.

    - The innerthigh of the left leg isn't very flatterig because of shadows and posing.

    But again, nice mood



    it would have been fine art if your whole portfolio was like this...that it was a 'signature'.

    I was drawn to your portfolio cos of this photo and didn't find anything like it...


    I personally like this 'unethical' pictures.

    Congrats on this one



    Serious Bailey


    It's a casual portrait (which is fine) but the light is a little flat imo and coming from the wrong side.

    I'm from the old school that says that light should fall on the SHORT side of the face.

    I'm also bothered by the copyright things.

    I understand we should protect our work (I don't) but it's only lo-res jpg's and in a way it gives the picture a sort of 'over-rated' appearance.




  2. I've been looking for this picture for a long time.

    I've seen it come by on the rating and lost it.

    Now I've been wondering through your portfolio and there it is.

    I love it,love the colors and composition, my compliments



    I love this picture!

    I dson't know if you 'meant' this colors (I hope so ----> make a bunch of them, just flowers) but it works great.



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