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Image Comments posted by jmconner


    Very nice Ann. These little birds can be very difficult, especially in flight. One thing you might consider in the future that I am still learning. Pay attention to what's going to be in your background. Sometimes it is not possible and you wouldn't want to miss a shot, but once you start doing it, you will do it more and more. Bravo!
  1. Thanks for the suggestion and comparison Ali. I have yet to edit any photos with photoshop. I have bought the program (CS) and installed it, but not much time to play with it yet. I agree with your idea and see that it is better. I have one more of these guys I will post that I think may be better. Thanks again.
  2. These preying mantis were found by my wife on our front porch swing.

    There were probably 20 to 30 crawling around. They were

    approximately 1/4" long. It was a funny situation trying to get

    these guys to stand still and keep the swing from moving (I know now-

    I should have scotched it in place with something). As you can see,

    I had to shoot wide open (f4.0) and actually had a couple I thought

    were interesting enough to put out there. Maybe you good people have

    some ideas on this.

  3. Thanks for the suggestion on resizing. Here it is again. All I have

    done is resized. What other suggestions does anyone have for a

    beginning photoshopper to make this picture worthwhile? Or is it

    worth it? Thanks, Joseph

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