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Image Comments posted by yongbo

  1. Just want to finish my bridge series since I never took a picture for this bridge before the sunset. I was trying to get different result for the same object. The challenge here for me is the exposure and DOF. The composition is common. Try to include the tree branches and clouds to make it unique. If you look at the sunset #05, only a few days in a year, you can include the sun within the picture for this kind of composition. Spent 2 months on this bridge, it's time to find another object.
  2. I am trying to adjust the color close to the print out. I have an Epson 1270 and also go to Costco. The prints are very close to what I see on the screen. I am using 3 CRTs, Acer G772, Sony/Dell P1110, HP MX70 and 2 Laptop (Acer and Dell). Did not realize any difference until I showed this picture to my friend today. The halo looks horrible on the 16-bit CRT display. I am glad to accept the 4/6 from Paul Greenwood, I am not sure how to handle the halo in Photoshop yet. The profile used in PS is not the same one from the camera. The reflection is the PS work.

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