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Posts posted by jorge_olivares

  1. Hi, I?ve been reading the instruction manual of the Leica M7, and since English

    its not my native language I couldn't understand this technical term or maybe

    its not but even translating it in my native language i don't understand. This

    its a fragment and specifically the word *cocked*. "If the shutter is cocked

    when turning on..." Somebody can help me with this?.Thanks.

  2. Hello, I don�t know if it�s normal the extreme sensibility of the shuter release

    on the R7. Somebody knows? Because, the shutter release of my camera sometimes

    turns extremely sensible. When I try to press at half to see the values, it

    shoots suddenly, even without pressing the shutter it shoot. Its normal?

  3. Hi...someone knows what is Dilute concentrate 1+19 with water...the

    bottle comes with 500ml to make 10 litres....for example...if i want

    to do only 2 litres of stop bath...how much do i put...i divided 500

    in to 10 lt and i got 50ml for each litre...what do you think...

  4. Hi everyone....im amateur on this...so i want to know the difference

    beetween Summicron-r 90mm Type II early edition and the latest...i

    foun in the early a different typograhpy in the front of the serial

    number ...the early have more rounded and the early have a more

    angular font...is there a difference of size or

    elements...filter...etc, or other things??? Thanks.

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