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Image Comments posted by stumpf



    Actual shot of the sky some time ago. Originally in color, I turned

    to black and white and deepened the blacks. Please, any thoughts? Mike.


    Thank you for commenting Noah. Is there anything about it in particular you find interesting, or is it an overall feeling. Fellow photog, Mike.
  1. I would suggest making this photo larger (I have found 680 pixels on longest side to work well), as much gets lost when this small. From what I can see, I really like the arcs and symetry the trunks create from your viewpoint. They balance nicely within the frame and with each other. I can't tell on my monitor if there is much detail in the bark, but maybe try deepening the blacks until the bark is lost and all that is left is the wonderful lines you have captured here. Nice work Jerome. Mike.

    Window Rain

    Bill, I like the layering of textures here. Different tonalities and contrasts work well together, and lend themselves to a nice dropping energy on the lower left side. Circle at top left holds bottom from falling out, while creating perpendicular lines to middle horizontals. Nice work. Please stop by my portfolio and tell me what you think. Regards, fellow photog Mike.


    Hey Steve, thanks for the E-mail. I hope you didn't find me too forward, but interaction and feedback are what this site is supposed to be about. I thought I would comment on this photo as well, as I came across your texture photo in the gallery and did not stop to look in your portfolio. This has an exellent layout with minimal land to be acknowledged, yet not take over. Color is good, and the tree leaning in creates balance. One thing I have learned though, is to not be so literal with my photo titles. I always caught a lot of flack for it, and found that giving it a title that was more, dare I say 'mysterious' gave the photo another level of interplay. It reverberated against the photo and created energy. Anyway, thats my take on it. All the best in the new year. Regards, fellow photog, Mike.


    Thank you Veke. This was one of those times where I saw the 'moment' and took advantage. Sometimes the stars align for us. Regards, Mike.
  2. Hi Emily. Thank you for commenting. At my work, I have access to many railcars that come through our property. I have found them to be great suppliers of raw material for photographs. Even though they are relatively similar, I have found ways to look at them differently through photography. Regards, fellow photog, Mike.
  3. Thank you Emily. This is actually taken inside of a drinking glass, with the natural reflections intact. I was amused to find what looked to me like an angry cartoonish face in the upper left corner. I found this interesting in the context that one would see this after one had drank what was in the glass (alchohol perhaps?), and the drinker would be having a conversation with theirself. Anyway, that's my imagination running away. Regards, Mike.
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