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Posts posted by nagya

  1. I have a 35 mm that I use for back up and I have the 430ex flash and a sigma 28-70 and a wide 19-35 and a 70-300 5.6 but I am finding that I want a sharper image with better quality. That's the reason for the post. I went cheap to get started so this year I want to build up. Maybe not all the way up, but better. I just want super sharp high color photos. My lenses give me a lot, but I know it could be better.
  2. My only concern would be, why would you want your photographer to leave to get something printed. My only hope is he/she has an assistant to run the errand because you are taking to big of a risk otherwise. I would never leave a wedding to do a print. EVER. Maybe they could do a formal shot before and have it printed and take it with them. Couples do this a lot or even the engagement shot. How long is it going to take someone to choose this photo? Are you willing to give up that kinda of photo time? I honestly think it sounds like a big deal now but on the wedding day no one will care.

    We need to have priorities about what's important....

  3. That is the best response that I've read all day...you actually made me laugh out loud. I am renting the 70-200 in a couple of weeks and I'm scared that I'll be hooked. I have some lenses now that work and I am looking to upgrade to the 5D, but I think my camera is good for now I just need better glass to make the photos really sharp. I hate to go to a wedding with a suitcase full of lenses so to eliminate that problem I considered buying the three I would need the most. One wide angle, one for portraits and one telephoto(maybe). I just really want to get it right so i will be set for a while.
  4. Work on a website of the work that you have done, including portraits. Show the style that you shoot....regardless if it's with weddings. On the website put some low prices for weddings and register with the online sites. There are tons that will let you list for free. AND PREPARE SOME WEDDING CONTRACTS. Please don't shoot without one. One other thing...when you shoot your first wedding take a lot of photos just in case. Your bound to get some right ;-) Just kidding. If you can work with someone as a second shooter for a while that's your best bet. OH and have fun.
  5. no remote flash setups are possible. But I did talk to the owner of a rental company so I will be renting the 70-200 F2.8 for the ceremony (actually for a week which gives me plenty of time to practice). That will help a lot I'm sure. Thanks to one very helpful response I feel like all is not lost. So my equipment has changed to that lens with a canon 350D and a speedlite 480 ex. A tripod and a remote. and a lot of prayer that I'm not in over my head ;-) Thanks again you all are GREAT!!! I can sleep again......no more panic attacks!
  6. Yes guys I will be using a tripod and a remote shutter release. Thanks for the help w/ where to rent equip. that is a big help. And all of the other suggestions. This is exactly why i love this site. I can ask anything and you all are a wealth of information. I can't thank you enough for taking the time to respond to my questions. Since getting started in this business I have used this forum to answer a lot of my questions. THANK YOU
  7. OK, I am shooting a wedding at 6:30pm in a church with a canon 350D, speedlite

    480 ex on a strobaframe, lens 70-300 1:4-5.6. I have to shoot from the balcony

    and I am only allowed to use the flash twice during the ceremony. Once when

    she walks in and the kiss. I asked the bride to please not dim the lights if

    possible and I told her I would do my best but can't promise. That way if I

    deliver the results I want she will be thrilled, but I am a little worried and

    would like some advice. Thanks a bunch!

  8. Hey Adam, this is my first year as a business owner as well and although it was a little slow, I was greatful considering all of the other crap I had to deal with starting the business and all. What I am doing in January may help you some. We have a bridal show in our town and I plan on setting up at that. It is very pricey but every bride and her maid of honor will be at that event. I have never set up there before, but I know a photographer who does it every year and he gets most of his business that way. So I made some promotional stuff and I will be running a slideshow and offering a discount to brides who sign a contract with me that day. It should really be great. Check your local radio station and see if there is one in your area. If there is one in my small town in West Virginia then you should have it made! ;-)


    GOOD LUCK and the photos were really good.

  9. I started my business this year so I am pretty new to it as well. But what I know for sure is that if you have a distinct style people will seek YOU out. They will find you and won't want you to change. Therefor we can still be the artists that we want to be, but we won't be starving anymore ;-)As long as they know up front what you do and that's what they want, then well you've got it made. Make them sign a wedding contract to that effect and go and have fun. You've definately got the eye for it.


  10. I just wanted to let you know to watch out for Dean Maxwell. He tried to book

    me for a wedding in two weeks. Same old scam I'll send a check for over the

    amount and you can forward the rest on to the travel agent. I felt like a

    moron because we had sent a few emails back and forth. I thought it was a real

    job until tonight. So thought I'd warn you guys/ He said he was from England.

    So watch out!!!

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