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Image Comments posted by frank_p



    I know nobody, I mean nobody, who is as attentive a walker as you are, Jack. The ordinary becomes extraordinary (or in this case, by not cropping the grass, I feel that the extraordinary becomes the ordinary...) 



    Thanks guys, quite a quartet of visitors and commenters; this can not be a coincidence...

    I was fascinated by this because of all the reasons mentioned: the combination of play and seriousness, friendship and hostility, tenderness and violence. This is a joy to observe.

    Actually, these are pictures of a rite of passage with the local boy scouts, initiating their older members into a leadership position. 

  1. Thanks. I like and appreciate your comments and I like the way both of you keep PN worthwile to post pictures every once in a while.

    This was the first time I attended a wedding rehearsal in the US - we do not have this kind of thing where I live. It was quite fascinating, from a sociological POV ;)

    BTW Jack, this was in Santa Cruz, CA, not so far from your home grounds if I am not mistaken.  



    I have just paid a visit to your site and think it's beautiful. There are a lot of pictures that I did not know yet so it was a very nice surprise to see your portfolio. I wish it were mine - dat is voor mij meestal toch het belangrijkste criterium: zou ik ze zelf hebben kunnen/willen maken...? Groeten! 



    Thanks! This is one from the era of analogue photography, some 15 years ago. Hanna, now almost 17, showed it to me this morning, I had quite forgotten about it. Yes, I liked very much taking pictures of my and other's kids. They have reached the stage a long time ago already that, whenever they see me with my camera, they start shouting at me... I should probably take another look at what's in the old shoe box, I guess. Anyway, thanks for your neverlasting support and nice words, much appreciated.

    J, zwaaiend

    The details of her hand palm, that does it for me. Hard to explain why. In general these kind of details make pictures for me more "true" ( niet alleen realistisch maar ook waarachtig en authentiek). looking forward to seeing more work from you in 2012.
  2. I am flattered, and not just a little bit, by your 20000 comment. It is people like you who make PN a beautfil place to come and visit.

    During the X-mas vacation you can see people standing in line for all major Parisian museums, there's a lot of Americans too... Anyway, I went to Paris especially for the Arbus exhibition, probably the largest of her work being shown in Europe, and was and still am in awe, even though I had seen most of the 200+ pictures before (I own the excellent Revelations book). Even though many ( incl. my wife) think of Arbus as a freak photographer, there is not only tragedy but also a lot of compassion (and of course beauty, craftmanship, pain and joy) in her work.

    Thanks again and all the best in 2012.

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