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Posts posted by angel_pena

  1. Thanks for your help.


    John: Tru my career I've tried everything... why not Scala before it disappears? Thanks for the reply.


    Chen: Presicely I'm planning to make a lightbox with a collage, sound like fun... Thanks


    John: ...compared to each other.


    Gary: A fellow photographer gave me mailers from color reflections in Miami... any help?

  2. "You can't learn anything from a single rating. There is too much variation in taste, in rating methods, and the reasons people have for rating, and in their interpretations of the scales. One rating could mean anything, and you shouldn't try to figure out what it might mean."


    >>I agree. Thats why my idea is aimed at "not affecting the average because of one kid rating a cool pic 1/1 or 2/2"


    "The main purpose of the rating system is to rank the photos for the Top Rated Photos display, which helps people find photos in which they might be interested. There are many other ways to find interesting photos on the site but that is one way."


    >>I agree, but, a great and important part of photo.net is the forum. I first entered PN in 1999, only cause I wanted to post a question in the forum. Most searches in the net lead to "the text based" part of PN. Said that, learning is perceived as important than just finding pics for our viewing pleasure...


    "If people keep in mind that the ratings are only useful when statistically aggregated, and that a single rating by itself could mean anything, they can possibly learn something from the rating averages and distribution. But give up on the idea that you can figure out the "meaning" of a single rating, commented or not."


    >>Maybe I'm being rock-headed, but I learn by reading, counting the views and watching the average. Irreponsible people only add confusion to what serious photographers want to achieve. And the system should provide info on who we are. Only then I would be able to filter the info and learn. After all, serious photographers are the ones who put this site at the top... the most visited community in the world.

  3. First, the purpose of this site is, I think, to help people to become better photographers. That said... this is my idea. Leave the system as it is now but add one little thing... to be able to rate a 1 or a 2 you HAVE to leave a comment...then if I want to say "your pic stinks" and be an anonymous coward, I would have to give out a 3/3 and the impact on the average is less. Why I have a photo rated and commented by Misha or by Thorsten and be able to deal with 1 and 2 from anonymous people?

    The purpose MUST be to learn.

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