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george ewald

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Image Comments posted by george ewald


    there is nothing out of place in this image. the eyes, the hands, the feet, the hair, the sleeves, the fingernails, all are perfectly balanced. and it is all so soft and dreamy. what a wonderful moment.


    very nice colors. very painterly. the pose is nice too. this whole image is sweet. my eye wants to travel around the perimeter, but is brought back to the brown hair and skin tones, and the lustrous white dress. the details in the dress are managed quite well. i am wondering what special treatments you used.


    i would not have included the "exlanation" photo in the lower right hand corner of the image. this picture of the tire tracks is very strong indeed. graphically striking, and the explanation photo gets in the way.


    nice composition. the colors are soft and inviting. i like the details in the wet fabric and the bracelet on her left wrist.


    my favorite in the series. you do well when you shoot one model in some setting. i actually thought the other model and the other setting had more potential, but maybe you ran out of time, or film. or maybe it was your first time with that model, and she could be shy. whatever it was, i think you ought to bring her back for another sitting.



    Thanks Leslie. Most children are in perpetual motion. And it's fun to be around that kind of energy. I had hoped the blur would be a reminder of that. The children were talking so sweetly, and ignoring my presence. What was I going to do. Ask them to hold still for a moment?


    I like the image of the elephant ears. This year I started one of those plants in a pot, and the best it can do is three ears. Is that the max in the wild?

    Sunny day


    I keep coming back to this one. You have a spectacular portfolio, with interesting, vibrant colors, but this image seems to stand out. It is a beautiful image, and technically it doesn't make sense. What I mean is the figures to the right of the tree are sharp and distinct, and they are standing on a surface that is not consistent with the terrain on the other side of the tree, where the figures, although closer, are not in focus. There are boats in the water on the left side of the image, and a river in the distance, which waters, if they were in the same world that we see in the right side of the image, would flood and swamp the descending path. I'm not saying that this is wrong. It's just that this appears to be a collage of images, and damn, it works!



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