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Image Comments posted by a.turhan


    Interesting picture. The bridge itself is not an aesthetic product of engineering but good usage perspective and colours makes the outcome a nice photo. Regards...
  1. As a subject chosen, there is nothing original here. It's just mountains and trees. But this is what if you wish to express this picture very roughly in words. As a picture, this is a feast to the eyes. Cold blue and white getting lost into the warm tones of pink and orange as you go up to the peaks. Wonderful light and exposure. Is this a masterpiece? I don't know, but I know that this really is a very good photograph. Congratulations!

    In Port

    Quite an eye-catching picture. Good contrast and balance of colours. Composition is also interesting. I felt it might be a book cover or poster. Congratulations...


    I feel the picture is successful in representing what you intend to express. Good exposure but perhaps could be even better to shoot 10-15 minutes later when the lighting would be softer to enhance the contrast of blue and yellow/red. Regards..
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