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Posts posted by nathanael_galler

  1. Just a theroretical question.


    When I installed my new monitor profile (by Gretag Eye-One) colors

    changed, in I-Explorer as well as in Irfanview. But now I hear that

    they don't work with color management and ICC-Profiles at all...



    But my biggest problem is that Photoshop and Irfanview don't get

    along with each other since I have my monitor profile. Converted in

    sRGB the Photoshop-picture looks pale in Irfanview. If I save the

    sRGB-profile or not - it doesn't matter.


    So please someone give me a guide out of this color management

    jungle... - and explain the CM with a professional monitor profile in

    I-Explorer and Irfan.





  2. First: Silverfast is the best choice for negatives.


    Then: You have to play with contrast and brightness at different levels of the histogramm (at best in all three color channels), then you get the PERFECT image. scan the negative raw with 48 bit (although with correct settings in negafix/part silverfast) and make all corrections in photoshop - so you have perfect control and can make changes everytime.


    Of course you have to cut empty tracks of the histogramm before...

  3. Hi


    After calibrating my monitor (LDC, Notebook) with Gretag Macbeth Eye-

    One pictures are somehow pale... Not just mine also the ones in the

    web (fashion, art etc.) I calibrated in the "easy mode" as well as in

    the "extended" mode (native whitepoint, 2.2. gamma) - with the same

    result. Pictures are also a bit yellowish, white is not pure white.


    Some ideas? I can't believe that this pale mode is the international

    color standard (much less saturation as in magazines)...



  4. <First of all, try scanning your film upside down and turn off all dusk & speckles and all extra processes. I usually do all my cleaning of the scan in PhotoShop, adjust levels, color balance and then print on an Epson.>


    Tony, do you wanna say that ICE change the colors of the scan? Indeed I noticed that - but my color shifts are much worse! I really think it's a question of the monitor profile... On the other hand I think it's a sin to make the color adjustements not in Silverfast because it's so easy there! I really would like this...


    <Have you posted to the Silverfast message board?>


    I did, Jeff. But they all seem to be robots there - give super minimalistic answers, which are not satisfactory at all (don't give answers to the questions).


    <I wouldn't be surprised if Silverfast and Picture Window Pro are using different monitor profiles, which can cause disastrous results. Or one has color management on, and the other off.>


    John, I would really be interested in which monitor profile Silverfast is using... (??) This would be the solution to my problem.


    <With a large gamut color space like Adobe RGB, small configuration errors cause large problems.>


    What do you mean with that?

  5. Hi


    Another color management problem, which makes me angry and helpless

    since two weeks. It has to do with Silverfast. I�m very happy with my

    adjustments in Silverfast Ai 6.0 (for Minolta 5400) and when I look

    at the scans in my graphic program it�s all sh**. Photoshop is too

    heavy for my poor notebook (only to start overtax my working memory),

    so i work with Picture Window Pro, which is easy and also easy to

    use. Color space is right (Adobe RGB, like my profile in Silverfast)

    and I think also all others adjustements. But it don�t work! The

    colors are poor and greenish � which makes me asking: Can the program

    handle Adobe RGB at all? Is Silverfast just compatible with

    Photoshop? I don�t understand why my monitor (without a profile at

    all) can show all the colors in the Silverfast preview picture � but

    can�t outside of Silverfast at all... With which monitor profile is

    the Silverfast preview working? So if i would know that, I could

    install this profile in my Picture Windows Pro...


    Guys, I don�t think it�s a problem of the monitor � because

    Silverfast can show me all colors well.


    Where are the experts?


    Help is highly appreciated � it helps me for getting loss in



    Sorry for my poor english (not my native language).

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