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Image Comments posted by jonsjons

    The figure appears alien to me as well, but I actually like that, as I find it adds to the mystery of the image. Without the oddly dark human presence, the photo would still be lovely, though more along the lines of images I’ve seen many times.

    2 Generations

    It's hard to get a good sense of sense of any possible oversharpening while viewing on my phone, and I definitely can't tell if there are artifacts within the doorway. Will have to take a look on my computer. But my first reaction was a fairly positive one; I like the shapes hinted at the within the darkness, as well as the suggested (left somewhat to the imagination) expression on the child's face. The woman's arm seems similar in texture to the wood near it . Not sure about the composition; I can't decide if it's simply meant to look like a snapshot, or is simply not well thought out, with all the shapes partially intruding into the frame.

    New Horizons

    Love this. I'm not seeing any problems with the handrails or horizon tilt - maybe you updated the image? - and I like the horizon where it is. If the rocks on the lower right could have been eliminated, it may have been an improvement, but a tighter crop may have not have been feasible. This is beautiful.



    This is great! The composition is unusual and seems 'off balance' with the rocks primarily in the lower right.....but it really works, especially with the clouds in the upper left echoing the rocks. Nice job!



    Thanks for taking the time to comment, guys. I will try rotating the whole photo a bit to even out the wall and tree. I was just trying to keep the vertical line at the bottom of the frame somewhat straight. 

    Sierra Wave III


    This is really beautiful. If it were my photo, I might burn in the sky a bit on the upper left to match the darker sky at the upper right....just for a little more balance. Just a small criticism; great work.



    This is a very unsual composition; I would normally expect to see more of the cliff on the top left....but your framing works for me. A great image.

  1. This is a remarkable image; I love the interaction of the green foreground and the magenta and blue in the sky. The only complaint I can make is that the sky looks just a little blown out to the left of the lighthouse. I wonder if it could be burned in or fixed with the clone tool. This is still a great shot, however.

    Mighty Titan


    harry, this is gorgeous. i'm trying to visualize what this would look like in color, and i'm thinking your black and white conversion was a good move. i'm sure it's great in color as well, but i really love the drama you've created here.

    i like the adjusted version as well; there's a nice balance here...just the right amount of detail in the shadows and highlights.

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