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Posts posted by tango_elturco

  1. Thank you for answers.


    Now I have an other question. My flash doesn't have power setting or flash exposure control. While I am shooting how can I compensate for the light loss? I am shooting film so would shooting in manual mode and increasing the ISO solve light problem? Is there another quicker and less cumbersome method?

  2. I want to take my flash off camera to take better photos of my son. I

    want to bounce it from an umbrella.


    My questions are:


    1. Would a TTL flash compensate for the light lost due to bouncing it

    from an umbrella?


    2. Does bouncing from an umbrella change the effective distance range

    of my flash for a given aperture?


    3. What size umbrella would be good to light a full size portrait of a

    3 year old kid?


    Thank you for answers

  3. I was rating several photos and suddenly I saw my photo. And for sake

    of giving it a try to see if I can rate my own photo I rated it.

    Needless to say 7/7. And funny thing it went through. I guess this

    should be corrected. And if database admins can delete my 7/7 from my

    photo which is photo_id=3068089. I appreciate it.




  4. Private member rating migth be good idea but lots of good photographers I'd like to get some comments are not paid members.


    May be allowing only the members who achieved certain overall rating with a minimum portfolio size,e.g photographer with minimum 10 photos and 5.53 overall rating, improves the quality of ratings.

  5. I would like to have a starters lighting kit. I don't wanna be a

    professional photographer just want to shoot good portraits of friends

    and family. Would floodlights works for this purpose? If yes any

    suggestions about equipments are very welcome.

  6. While I browse through photos sometimes I see people give very poor

    ratings without any explanation (happened to me also). In the ratings

    post form it might be useful to force to users to enter a comment if

    they rate 1 or 2 to one of the categories (Aesthetics/Originality).

  7. Hi all,


    I am new to B&W photography and development. I rated an Ilford HP5

    Plus at 320 instead of 400 as some writers suggested. Now I need to

    develop it. Kodak D76 is the only developer that university's

    darkroom has. I cannot find development times for Ilford HP5 in

    KODAK D76 at ISO 320. Can anyone help me out?


    I assume if I underrate a film I should process it that rate to get

    this better contrast in my photos or should I develop it at 400 rate?





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