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Posts posted by jen_kidd

  1. ARGH!!! Ok, I just got off the phone with the gal I am supposed to photograph this weekend... Now she is saying not only does she "need" the negatives but she needs a high resolution cd of all the images. Here is my issue with this... I only quoted her 150.00 to do this (as a favor to my friend), then I decided that I would go along with the negatives thing and quote her a price for the negs. I told her it would be an additional 500.00 for them... she is freaking out and says that she can find a high quality photographer in california that will do the whole thing for 60.00, but she doesn't want to fly out there to have them done. My hesitation with giving her the negatives in the first place is that not only does it allow her to get reprints done with out my name on them, but if she gets them reprinted and they look like crap, it is a reflection of my work. Is this totally unreasonable for me to ask her to pay extra for the negatives and the copyright? Or is this a standard practice? I have never heard of modeling agencies asking for the negative from the models....
  2. Well thank you all for the wonderful suggestions! I completely agree with you all about giving her the negatives. I will offer her a CD and if she doesn't like it then she can try and find another photographer to give her the negs... she says her other sister (who is also an actress said she must keep the negatives), but I don't see any reason why she can't just take the CD and be happy with it. I will try suggesting that and see how she reacts... Any suggestions on how to word my contract for this one? I only have a standard wedding/portrait contract...

    Thanks again!


  3. Ok, I will ask her if a CD is ok and explain to her that she is not going to want to keep the negs lying around, its a lot easier to have the images on a CD etc... so back to my question then... I usually charge a small fee for the CD's, should I keep the same price or now knowing that she will probably want to use the images as she pleases, should I up the charge to what I would get from a usual re-print order? Can you tell that this is my first fashion/portfolio shoot : )

    She will probably want the prints as well and I will charge her extra for those too... this is her first time having these done so she is relying on her friends advice for this.

    Thanks for your help!

  4. Ok, I know this has been asked before but I couldn't find anything

    specific, so here is my problem....

    My friend sisters needs pics done for her modeling/acting portfolio

    and comp cards. I agreed to do them at a discounted price because I

    think she would be a good source for referrals and because she is my

    friends sister. However, when I quoted her I did not know that she

    needed to keep the negatives (I only shoot film, no digital)... My

    question is, is this a standard when shooting these types of

    pictures? How much should I charge her for the negs? My time is

    already included in the original quote. I know this is generally a

    bad question to ask but I am stuck here, I have never had anyone ask

    for the negatives and I don't usually include them with my packages.

    Thanks for your help and suggestions!


  5. Hello,

    I need your suggestions and advise! I shot these pictures on a

    bright fall day under a lot of tree overhang... I used a Canon 380

    EX flash... I haven't used it to much so I am not familiar with all

    the functions of it. Is this something I could have prevented by

    using a different setting on my flash, or using a higher ISO???

    Thanks for your help!

  6. Thank you all for your help with this! I guess I really need to get over my fear that I am "price gouging (I think I spelled that right".

    I just feel that since I am starting out, building my portfolio is more important. But you all are right, my time is worth something and I shouldn't feel bad asking them to pay for quality work. : )

    Thanks again!

  7. Hello,

    I need some help with a job I am working on.

    I got hired to do before, during , and after pictures of a remodel

    project. The project will take about 2 years. This is my first

    assignment that I am doing for profit. I decided to charge an

    hourly rate of 25.00 per hour (since I am still building my

    portfolio I thought that would be a fair price) and then charge for

    the materials and expenses separately. So I presented the work to

    them and they loved it all so much that they decided to order

    reprints (some digital and some Black and White). Since I am

    charging them an hourly rate, and I am not printing any of these my

    self, do I up the price of the reprints, or just charge them what it

    cost me?

    Sorry this is so long winded... I appreciate all of your help and



  8. Thanks all!!! You have really been a lot of help! I decided to go home and have that cup of tea! It came to me while reading the leaves : )

    "Capturing memories to save for a lifetime"

    Its so cheesy I know, but where I am people go for that stuff!

    Thanks again for all your help and suggestions!!

  9. Thank you Michael! I love your slogan, its very creative!

    Yeah, it has been really tough trying to come up with something, I have thought about "Capturing your memories" but I think that may be too over the edge : )

    I want to be original but not cheesy

    Thanks again!

  10. Hello all!

    I am just starting out in the business and I am making some business

    cards this weekend! I need help on coming up with a slogan for my

    cards! I know this may be taboo, but if anyone has any suggestions

    I would love to hear them!



  11. Hello all! I am pretty new to wedding photography (2 weddings so

    far this year) and I am looking for a good pose list that I can give

    to my customers. I have a wedding booked in October (Outside thank

    goodness) and they are looking for some different poses. I have

    made a list of a few things, but I am not very experienced and need

    some help : )

    Also, I was wondering if someone could give me advice on how to get

    a good shot of the bride and grooms rings/hands... any advice on

    that and anything else would be great too!

    Thanks all!


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