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Posts posted by bret_williams

  1. 1. travis (S) 2. Jorge T (S)

    3. Peter A (S)


    4. Travis L (S)


    5. Ray (S)


    6. Eric (S)


    7. Michael S.(S)


    8. Dale (S)


    9. The Fangster (S)


    10. Richard S.(S)


    11. Jury (S)


    12. Shakil K. (S)


    13. Maria Z. (J)


    14. Barry F.(S)


    15. Ken Ng (S)


    16. Bret (S)

  2. Thank you all for your helpful comments and suggestions. Also, thanks Donald for the link to those beautiful photos by Galen Howell. He's got quite a running route. I think I will try the fanny pack and see how it works for a while, at least until there is a Lutz harness. :)
  3. For visionaries who predict the demise of Leica, a few predictions of my own: Lighters will make matches obsolete. Cars will destroy every other mode of personal transportation. Pencils, pens and typewriters will only be on display at the Smithsonian because of the the computer. Eyeglasses are being phased out because of lasik. And if we all get calouses on our feet, we can give up shoes.
  4. Jeff wrote: "but for people who know nothing about New York, the implication is that photos at GCT will be impossible, which is not true."


    I hope you are right but the language of the proposed changes to the rules suggests otherwise. Section 1050.9© of the safety rules of the NYCRR currently states, "Photography, filming or video recording in any facility or conveyance is permitted except that ancillary equipment such as lights, reflectors or tripods may not be used." Under the proposed change, "photography and videotaping would be prohibited except for members of the press holding valid identification cards issued by the New York City Police Department." Importantly, Section 1050.2(b) states that, "Facilities includes all property and equipment, including, without limitation, rights of way and related trackage, rails, signal, power, fuel, communication and ventilation systems, power plants, stations, terminals, signage, storage yards, depots, repair and maintenance shops, yards, offices and other real estate or personalty used or held for or incidental to the operation, rehabilitation or improvement of any rapid transit railroad or omnibus line of the authority." It is no great leap of logic to apply these rules to the interior of Grand Central Station.

  5. Of course, it is the perspective that makes this picture fascinating. Leaving aside the that the statue is Lenin broken into pieces, the power of the picture is from the fact that photograph remains balanced "even though/because of" the positioning of the statue in the bottom left corner of the picture, remarkably balancing with the emptiness on the right. The open space/path before the Lenin-laden barge is the future/past/fate/destiny etc.
  6. You miss the nuance of the point. I agree that people often learn slang and such from "films, songs and adverts." This is quite different from culturally based idioms, i.e. speech forms and expressions of a language that are peculiar grammatically and cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its elements. This is why you often see mangled idioms in text written by non-native writers because the words make no sense except as a unit to one familiar with the idiom. For example, "it missed the head on the nail," "some quick thoughts for food," or "spilled milk difficult to collect." One term for this mangling of interpretation is "chinese whispers." Therefore, when I see idioms correctly used and written in text that is otherwise jumbled, I wonder what (or who) is lurking behind the language. And others in this thread seem to have their suspicions as well. (Not that it is of any great importance in the end.) And finally, Don-Qui Kong, it was not so much your name that I thought was hilarious but the brusqueness of your posts, suggesting in tart language that the opinions of posters (passengers) who are not renowned are worthless.
  7. DONKEY KONG wrote: "Like I never hear that one before. I hope someday you go someplace where your name mean ahole in that language. Then you can enjoy nice laugh on yourself too."


    I do laugh at myself; you should try it. Nevertheless, I suspect that you are having a private laugh at our expense. Your "broken" English is littered with idioms. It is hard enough to learn English as a second language, but to master the idioms before mastering the language, unlikely.

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