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Image Comments posted by janet_.

  1. indeed you see it exactly like it was! As a mom it was difficult because the boy at the right is my 7 year old son. So I knew what was going on in his mind and I could feel what he felt. So on one side I felt like a tiger to protect him and on the other side -as a grown up- I knew to stay out of it, wich I did.

    Afterwards, when we were alone, the only thing I did was wipe off his tears.

    It was quit an experience for him...and for his mom!

    Thanks for commenting, Alon, I appreciate it. :0)



    love what you are doing lately with your portraits. Priceless mood and expressions. It's interesting to follow. Have a nice weekend. :0)



    ALWAYS interesting to see and read your photos. Altough I'm not always give a comment everytime I visit, it's so learnfull to visit. Love to see what you are doing. Thanks for sharing.


    And yes, I think that you did a great job, looking forward to see more of your b&w presentations.

  2. I'm one of those who believes that true love, really true love last



    Once seperated, it will always have that special place in your heart.


    If you can reach and dig in you heart beyond the line of hurt, true

    love will still be there...


    Comments or critiques always welcome, say what ever you want...!


    (And no, I didn't lost that true love, happely married :0) )



    Sorry for my late reply! Thank you all for taking the time to say what you think off this experiment.

    Instead of answering you one by one I choose to take a good look in your portfolios and spent my -little- time on that! Thanks again, I really appreciate it! :0)


    -smile- I love doing things the other way around! When someone strange comes at my door I always yell my dogs name, I can see in there eyes that the visitors are afraid for whats coming...then this little kiddo comes around and I see the people relax...they step into my house with a big big smile! :0)
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