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Image Comments posted by vladvlaz

  1. IMHO the idea is good, but I would shoot from a lower angle and from a position slightly to the left in order to try and obscure the second woman. Also it feels like there is too much foreground here, the subject should be closer to us.

    Bike love #4

    Nice tones in this photograph. IMHO the background also has such nice tones and patterns it is competing with the subject. Less DOF? Also perhaps the motorbike's position could be changed somehow.
  2. Perhaps a tighter crop on the right would add make this slightly more dynamic...also cut off the top or something. Basically get closer to that flame...Have you tried a slower shutter speed to show more movement?


    As for the low ratings, there's always that someone who gives a 2/2 or 3/3...just ignore them, some people are intent on rating pretty pictures (ie nudes, and perhaps oversaturated landscapes and some cliche pictures) as high, all others low.



    Durban RSA

    Looks a bit like a snapshot of a coastal town, esp. with the building on the right awkwardly cropped. Getting down closer to the water I think would have improved perspective.



    I prefer this one to some of the others in your portfolio. Shame about the cropped tree in the foreground. Perhaps taking the photo from a slightly lower position would have helped.



  3. Original capture of an over-photographed place! I lived in London for 3 years but never attempted to photograph the square since I could not find an original and aesthetic approach. Well done!
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