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mvw photo

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Posts posted by mvw photo

  1. <p>Scott.. I'll not want to fuel the fire, but as said, Canon focus IS inconsistent... I challenge you to take your 1Ds MkIII or 1D MkIII and take 10 pictures of something nice and contrasty, on a tripod, at a shutter speed of 10x lens length, at an aperture of f/1.4, focusing carefully each time with one focus spot , and to NOT get a few that are WAY out of focus. Not talking about adjustment - talking about randomly WAY out. For a full time pro like me that's not acceptable.. I buy $2,000 lenses to use them wide open!</p>

    <p>Anyway, enough said. The 7D is better andanyway if you take each shot a couple of times you will be OK. I agree with you, it's about using the tools you have!</p>

    <p> </p>

  2. <p>Not to want to sound controversial, but focus is a problem with Canon. I teach photography, and use and know all manner of cameras. I shoot with a 1Ds MkIII, a 1D MkIII, an a 7D. I;ve owned many others (Nikon too).</p>

    <p>The Canon system is inconsistent when shooting wide open at faster than 2.8. I see this with my 50mm f/1.4 and 35mm f/1.4 lenses wide open: focus accurately, click five times: one or two will be out of focus (and yes I know how to focus). I've blogged about that too. A few tips on how to optimise focus here:</p>

    <p><a href="http://blog.michaelwillems.ca/2009/10/16/focus-on-focus/">http://blog.michaelwillems.ca/2009/10/16/focus-on-focus/</a></p>

    <p>Anyway... the 7d is not perfect, but it is better, helped by the new modes like spot focus.</p>

    <p> </p>

  3. <p>Julian:</p>



    <li>If you click through you see them at much larger sizes. </li>

    <li>I am not defending anything or anyone (let alone emotionally).</li>


    <p>Julian et al: I am a working photographer and am not interested in politics - just in cameras. I'll use what I can as long as it works. Only interested in results. Own a 1D3, 1Ds3, and 7D, and much "L"-glass.</p>

    <p>Happy to send you RAW images if your email service and mine can handle 15 MB files. Which mine can't.</p>

    <p>I think you know very well that this (practical limitations), not "emotion" is the reason for smaller images online. God knows I am annoyed anough at Canon 's autofocus wide open to be even more annoyed to be misinterpreted the way you are apparently doing.</p>

    <p> </p>

  4. <p>I have a 7D as well as a 1D3 and a 1Ds3.</p>

    <p>I've done reviews on my blog (<a href="http://blog.michaelwillems.ca">http://blog.michaelwillems.ca</a> and search for 7D or gear category). Test shots there too.</p>

    <p>Basically: great camera, better focus and other features, and 2 stops more noise - but not so you'd normally notice. Look at a few of the test shots at high ISOs. And look at low ISO too: amazingly sharp.</p>

    <p>So it's no 1D but in many ways has better features. In low light I'll use the 1-series bodies; else the 7D.</p>

  5. <p>No disrespect intended at all.. but I have to wonder, why not just take a few lessons and learn about aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and their relationship? This would really help. More than a new camera.</p>

    <p>My advice: by a lens or two and a lesson or two. (Disclaimer: I teach photography But I don't teach photography where you live, so I am saying this not to gain business. Juyst because I see every day what a huge difference a tiny amount of training makes!)</p>


    <p> </p>

  6. <p>OK, pictures soon. In the mean time: terrible light, nothing to bounce off. My best shots initially were taken with the 70-200. Some great ones. Fill the frame. f/2.8, 1/60th, 1600 ISO.</p>

    <p>But later, the "smile at the camera pics" were a challenge with very inconsistent flash results (and I know e-ttl well: I teach it).</p>

    <p>Best later was when I finally broke through the ambient barrier by using the 35mm f/1.4 on the 1Ds. Fong Lightsphere. At f/1.4, 1/30th, at 1600 ISO. That finally gave me backgrounds.</p>

    <p>Biggest challenge all night: I could not see my camera controls (too dark). Try to set FEC or ISO when you cannot see a darn thing!</p>

  7. <p>Yeah.. and hey, re the three cameras and siex lenses, what would be your choice as a starting point? (I;ll want to have the best chance of not having to go back to the car to chake lenses)</p>

    <p>I'm thinking... 7D for bits of video maybe. So then 1Ds or 1D as second camera? And what lenses?</p>

    <p>You know the feeling Nadine - you want everything with you (there. the assistant again) just in case- but in reality you can't do it. I sometimes almost wish that the government would mandate just one 50mm lens and I'd do just fine :)</p>

    <p> </p>

  8. <p>If given no choice, I'll do this:</p>



    <li>Fong lightsphere if there is anything to bounce off</li>

    <li>If not, maybe a Honl bounce card (easy velcro on off!) and/or snow white gel </li>

    <li>or a lumiquest softboxIII if I am shooting faces from close by</li>


    <p>But apart from umbrellas, nothing (nothing) beats nice ceiling/wall... what I will not get tomorrow, I fear. I fear a large dark room with zero light and 500ft high ceilings, and loud music. Oh and everyone who is dressed at all will be dressed in black leather.</p>


    <p> </p>

  9. <p>Thanks - as always, Nadine.<br>

    I was teaching (photography), hence the slow response.</p>

    <p>I'll bring all that.. also, I will use the strap I just bought - Blackrapid.com - as well as the Ezeestrap I am evaluating. So that means Ill be able to hang all my cameras from me in some comfort, which will make a nice change.</p>

    <p>A necessary one since I teach all day first,and then 9pm-3am shoot... :-)</p>

    <p>Agreed re shadows - awful. I always avoid aiming flash at people - meaning I then get underexposed images if the ceiling is 1,000 ft high... anything to avoid aiming the flash at people... but yes, will bring all the modifiers I have. Lumiquest, Honl, et al.</p>

    <p> </p>

  10. <p>Another "hey guys, what would you bring?" question.</p>

    <p>Shooting, tomorrow night, a large fetish party/leather show in Toronto. From fashion show to people all dressed in leather. No doubt it will be intolerably loud and warm. :)</p>

    <p>Question: what would you all bring? I am an experienced event shooter, but however long I have been doing this, I am never too old to learn from colleagues. I have everything in cameras (1 aD MkIII, a 1Ds MkIII, and a 7D) and in lenses (50 f/1.4, 35 f/1.4, 24-70 f/2.8, 16-35 f/2.8, 70-200 f/2.8IS, etc) and speedlites and modifiers and accessories. But of course as always the limiting factor is: I am alone and have to CARRY all this stuff all night.</p>

    <p>And I expect there will be a mix of dark and light, grip-and-grins and runway, PJ and posed. So I;d like everything but clearly that is not an option.</p>

    <p>I am thinking two bodies. Maybe the 7D with long lens and 1Ds with wide - or with 24-70? Or instead 1D with 16-35 (lighter)? Honl speedlight modifiers and Fong lightsphere, spare batteries, and that should do it?</p>


    <p> </p>

  11. <p>What JDM said.</p>

    <p>The 9 i sjust the buffer size - ignore that.</p>

    <p>Aim the camera at a bright contrasty item. Then focus, wait, and when you hear the beep, click through.</p>

    <p>If you aim at a blank wall, the beep will never happen, and you will never be able to take the picture.</p>

    <p>It can help to select ONE focus spot, and to aim THAT focus spot at a contrasty item.</p>

    <p> </p>

  12. <p>From my blog:<br>

    "I came back to it ten minutes after reinserting the CF card and reformatting it. And I noticed that the LCD on the top was still on. A quick check: sure enough: no response to any button or switch – not even to the “off” switch. So again, take out the battery."<br>

    Yes, with full battery. And I've tried various lenses and of course these lenses work fine on my other cameras (a 1D MkIII and a 1Ds MkIII).<br>

    Hoping for a firmware fix soon...</p>

    <p> </p>

  13. <p>My 7D has locked up a number of times - no reason I can discern - twice this evening.</p>

    <p>I documented this (and my other tests and reviews) on my photo teaching blog, but I have been told off for mentioning that blog here. Not sure I understand that (especially since i pay here) - but oh well, it is what it is. Anyway, it did lock up twice today. Anyone had the same?</p>

    <p> </p>

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