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Posts posted by sara2

  1. I was thinking about getting the Sigma ring flash. I would like to use it for

    close up portraits (outside and inside.) Any thoughts on it? Do you think it

    would be a fun and useful item to have? And how close does the subject need to

    be to the lens? Thanks for the feedback! I will post a photo that I thought

    the flash would help with.





    border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>







  2. Hi! Thank you all for the great ideas for photoshop, I needed all of it. But what I was looking for was the detail on the print itself. I thought I have seen prints that the surface had a texture on it. Almost like a canvas but more with paint brush lines. I might be out of my mind but if anyone understands what I'm looking for -that would be great.

    But thanks again for all the good photoshop stuff I'll be using it.


  3. Sorry it took so long to get back to you (been out of town.) The grain in the shadows come when I'm using soft boxes in the studio. I used 1 light box and my camera is set to 1/100 f11 with a 50mm lenes and the iso is on 200. I think I might need to play in the studio a little bit more and stop being so lazy. When I do I'll get my settings right.

    Thanks for all the feed back!


  4. I'm trying to print a 16x20 family picture. The problem is that the frame has

    a 1/2" border that cuts into the picture 1/2". The client does not want any

    thing to be lost under the matte (hands or feet.) So I have been trying to

    border the picture a 1/2" so that would be the fill under the matte. I'm

    thinking that it's pretty simple in adobe photoshop but I just can't get it.

    Any suggestions would be more then helpful.



  5. I'm trying to achieve keeping the white in a sepia setting in ps.

    What I'm doing now doesn't work the greatest. I'm useing the photo

    filters (sepia) in ps. Then I play with the highlight and shadow

    settings, but doing that still leaves me with the whites taking on a

    unnatural tone. I have tried to paint white into the picture and the

    replace color setting in ps (but that usually changes the whole

    pictures color). Any ideas to what I'm doing wrong?

    A example would be something like the wedding picture on the home

    page of photo.net.

    Thanks for any help!

  6. I am going to buy a better lens for taking portraits (I do a lot of

    seniors). I'm looking at the Nikkon DX's 55-200mm 4-5.6 or the 18-

    55mm 3.5-5.6. I'm thinking the 55-200 will give me more freedom, but

    I might be missing something. (If I'm even looking at the right type

    of lens in the first place) And if anyone knows if there is a good

    filter to use when taking seniors (skin problems) to help me with

    less work on photoshop after the session, Please let me know! Kind

    of a long question, but anything will help!


  7. Looking for a wide angle lens for my Nikon d 100. I'm looking for a

    19-35 Af zoom (or something in that realm) and the phoenix ones come

    up all the time. Sigma comes up a lot, but it's more like a 28-80mm

    zoom and that might be too much with my digital. I photograph

    weddings and I have read that the 19-35 is a good size for the job,

    but the 28-80mm might be too big. Any help with anything would be

    great! Thanks!

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