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Posts posted by ubejammin

  1. Wow!! Thanks for the quick responses....but I do have one (probably stupid) question. This goes back to being the beginner. Do they make Velvia film for 120MM? I love Velvia for 35mm nature work...


    Thanks again for your responses!

  2. I am new to medium format photography and I recently purchased a

    Hasselblad 501CM primarily for landscape/nature shots, but am now

    interested in trying some portraits. I would like to know what

    films others would recommend for both. So far I've been using a

    lower grade Fuji 100 for practice and am not really happy with the

    color saturation - but these were just test shots. Being that it's

    that brown/dirty season in between snow and spring and the clouds

    have been extremely heavy and gray, decent photo ops have been

    pretty minimal.


    I'm looking for film recommendations on both color and B&W film for

    both portraits and nature shots. Thanks for your suggestions!

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