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Image Comments posted by perry_yu

  1. This Chestnut Tiger butterfly (Parantica sita) belongs to the Monarch family and is a threatened wildlife species in Hong Kong. In Asia, they are mostly found in Japan and Taiwan and are known to migrate across oceans. I am no student of butterflies and didn't know that I came across an endangered species when I saw it. It caught my attention as it calmly laid claim over some twigs and branches rather than hovering over the usual leaves and flowers. I first took a shot from a distance and then seeing it stay stationary as if signaling "as many as you please", I switched to macro and went in for this close-up. The whole process of getting this shot is more thrilling and more memorable than the final outcome.

    Palm Canopy

    A different perspective of a palm tree seen from straight above. I was on a tropical forest canopy walk and took this photo. Ever wonder how a tree in the forest branches out all the leaves to take in the sunlight while blocking off the light to other competitor trees below its canopy?
  2. I like the colors of this photo and the reflection of the boat and the further re-reflection of the water back on to the boat. It would be even nicer if there is more seawater on the left and hence a bit more of the pier is revealed. The red docking post gives a refreshing, documentary accent to the picture and makes the picture more interesting. If the post were the usual black or grey color, it would be better to leave it out.

    Amour propre

    Thanks Paul for your comments. This young lady was taking a picture of her own on a launch boat speeding on the waters. Her fellow passengers volunteered to snap the picture for her but she insisted to manage it all by herself. Thanks to such personal gadgets as the digital camera, people can fulfil their vanity by taking their own portraits and get instant gratification.

    Marshland at Dusk


    Marshes at a coastal wetland with reedbed and mangrove vegetation in

    background - total serenity and harmony at dusk. Though not colorful

    or flamboyant, wetland flora has an important role in providing food

    and shelter for many wintering birds and a large diversity of



    All comments welcome.

    Boat Lady


    An air of serenity and peace in this boat lady drew me to taking a

    picture of her. She was so poised and at ease; I could feel her

    satisfaction with life even without knowing her or speaking to her.

  3. John, I like this shot of yours, especially the inclusion of the tiny moon. Interestingly, I was doing some abstract shots with nature subjects, specifically with waves, and trying to contrast dual tones as an exemplification of yin and yang at work. I still have much to learn and practice though.
  4. I didn't see what I took until I looked at what I took. I was focusing on the general compostion of the photo and how to place the somewhat imperfect but nonetheless crystal clear water droplets into position. Now when I look at what I actually took, I notice a bright circular area cast by the refraction of light through the spherical droplet and a subtle halo of light cast on the leaf probably due to refraction as well. Nature was at play almost without being noticed.

    Bay Roots Squared

    Hmm... What's 36? That's a 6 squared naturally. A 6 for originality and a 6 for aesthetics. I like your creating this shot out of an object that normally will miss the attention of many a photographer.
  5. Everyone dozes off at times on a train, on a bus, on a ferry, etc.

    Here's an amusing instance caught by the camera lens - the

    photographer had just woken up from his nap himself - and you can

    surmise much about the native characters of the people here just from

    the forms and expressions they exhibit while taking their naps.



    After all the passengers got on board, this boat lady turned on the

    ignition of the motorboat and started navigating the narrow

    waterways with such a flare that all passengers could not help but

    remain silent and watch her mono-expression face, showing nothing

    else but determination, throughout the entire boat ride. I was

    naturally captivated but managed to snap this shot.

  6. This photo was taken at a highway rest stop on a cliff overlooking a black sand beach. Listening to the waves advancing and receding, watching the sands being repetitively muddled and then unravelled, admiring the contrast and harmony of the changing dual tone patterns, I couldn't help thinking on the perpetual workings of the yin and yang with an utmost awe.
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