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Image Comments posted by nghi_hoang

    Hosta 2

    I like the spiraling depth of this picture. The composition is very interesting. The lush green color and patterns in the leaves are very organic but abstract at the same time. It's a wonderful picture.

    Make up

    I second the B&W conversion! Interesting angle. As a Vietnamese, I am not too surprised at the setting. Top left corner has something white. It is a little distracting. Photoshop clone tool should do the trick. I think the angle makes this photo.
  1. This photograph reminds me of a character in a film series. She was named Deedlit. In any event, it is lovely. I am undecided about whether or not her eye should have more fill in them. She looks almost lifeless and yet not for she seems to be talking to the plants.

    Heaven and Earth

    Yes, that is what my motherland is like! You have captured Vietnam at her best. Isn't the rice field beautiful? Indeed, it causes one to reflect on the meaning of Life. Thanks for sharing!



    Firstly, I think pregnant women are beautiful by default. You have a very good photograph there. I love the soft window light and the high contrast.


    Also, congratulation!


    I hope you don't mind me playing with your photograph. I masked, burned, dodged, selectively blurred, sharpened and cropped your image. This is what I came up with. Just an idea and some quick photoshop work.


    Tea Worker

    Excellent composition. I would like to see the whole top part of the basket behind the person. Yes, the detail in the hat is what makes this photo. Is there another version with the person's face visible? This photograph tells a story. Congratulations!

    caterpillar 4

    This is a nice marco shot. Wondering what you would call this particular bug. Anyway, the top right corner is "hot." My eyes keep traveling back to that area, wishing for more separation between the catepillar and the background. Also, there isn't much DOF here. The picture is a little soft. I was expecting this litlle bug to leap ouf of the page as far as sharpness is concerned. I think you said it was hand-held, but did you try again with a tripod to maximize the DOF? I would love to see that.


    Wonderful capture. Been wondering if there is too much green at the bottom? Maybe cropping lower 1/3 of the green; the blurry part? It would be even better if some of the birds don't overlap each other, but that can't be helped. Great shot nonetheless!

    Years Ago

    This is a wonderful and beautiful portrait of a beautiful subject. There is one thing that bothers me. It is the subject's right ear. It tips the balance of the face. I suppose this could easily be touched up with photoshop.


    Very good work! She is a beautiful person, with a great smile and expression. I'm not sure if she is tearful because her eyes seem to be rather wet. This is constrasted by her smile. The combination makes for something quite ironic, yet sweet. Could it be that she is finding the humour in pain? Of course, there are countless other ways to interpret this portrait. This is just one of the many I feel.

    I do wish, though, that the crop is not so tight. I'd love to see a looser frame, which includes more of her elbows and lower body.

    Thanks for sharing!

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