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Image Comments posted by wojtek_aleksandrowicz


    Piêkna fotka, niesamowity klimat (wrêcz mistyczny jak kto ju¿ zauwa¿y³) robi "palec Bo¿y". wiate³ko urasta tu do symbolu. Wszystko jest tutaj na swoim miejscu i takie jak byæ powinno. Jestem pod ogromnym wra¿eniem. Gratulacje.
  1. Dobra, klasyczna kompozycja,gdzie motyw pokazany jest bez dodatków zak³ócaj¹cych kompozycjê i estetykê. Piêkny kolor, taki z pogranicza sennych marzeñ. Ot i recepta na naprawdê dobre zdjêcie. Pozdrawiam
  2. Hi David, Here is the answer for the question you asked.

    Frankly says the photo was took by a chance. I walked with a model-girl for a photo session and sudenly I saw a sitting man ... as fast as I could I took out camera from my bag. One shot, one shutter click, mens head moved up. He heard me. With no word he stood up and went away. Then I took only one picture. Thats the whole story. I met this man once again one day. This time he was going by the tram. He slept. I took some pictures of him, one of them is Portrait with ... fork.

    There were no posing during the taking all the pictures. The man is not a model. He is the real homeless human fighting for every day of his life. These stories was real. Thanks for interesting and coments. Regards.




    There are places which remember different situation,different times,

    different kind of energy.

    The picture shows that kind of place and energy ... slaved soul.

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