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Posts posted by hiromu_kurosaki

  1. I am using Elan7N and 70-200/4. If I want to use tripod ring, I cannot use the battery pack, if I want to my battery pack on my Elan 7N, I cannot use the tripod ring on 70-200/4. Same thing for 80-200/2.8 and tripod ring. However, I can use 100-400 and tripod ring together with the battery pack. The problem is that tripod ring on 70-200/4 and 80-200/2.8 is too close to the body.



  2. I think the shutter life largely depends on what kind of shutter speed you use the most. For those who mainly shoot landscape, they probably use slower shutter speed, and their shutter may live longer. On the other hand, sports shooter may use faster shutter speed a lot, and theirs may not last as long as others. But the best thing is not to worry about the life, shoot as much as you want. And once it fails, just have it fixed.




  3. I just ordered ELAN7N. The difference between 7 and 7N is,, 7N is newer, has E-TTLII, and whatelse?? I don't know. The difference between 7 and 7E or 7N and 7NE is apparently the "E", eye controled focus.


    As for the lens, if your choice is either 24-70 or 17-40+85, then I would go with 24-70. I switched back from Digital, but when I was shooting with 10D, 17-40 was my main lens. But now with no cropping factor, 17-40 is way too wide to me. The wider end of my 28-135 is pretty much wide enough now, so i don't usually carry my 17-40 anymore.


    Since your main use seems to be taking pictures on vacation, the in camera flush of Elan may be handy. Although it doesn't work well with large 24-70...




  4. I have them all.


    First of all, the zoom you mentioned is very good. The only down side is that the zoom is f/4, and it's white. If you can live with f/4, you will most likely be happy with the picture quality you are getting with the zoom.


    Second,, when I take 28-135 and if I can take one more lens, that's usually 200/2.8 because it is smaller than 70-200/4, and it's black. I don't miss the gap between 135 and 200 at all. However, 135 and 200 is will not give you a big different I think. So when I know that I need a tele, I usually take longer lens.


    The last one. It depends on what you want, I guess. As you mentioned, if it is "occasional", then using extension tube would be good enough. In fact, 70-200/4 native has close focus distance of 1.2 meters, which is pretty good. Adding extension tube to that will give you nice semi-macro lens. By the way, $265 for Tamron sounds pretty good, so if you plan on shooting macro more, you should get it...


    Well, so what do I suggest??? If you are okay using primes changing lens all the time, 200/2.8. What do I do? Well, if I can only keep one, I will keep the zoom since I like zoom.





  5. I used to have 24-70 version, and it was okay.

    Good things..

    Constant 2.8, goes doen to 24mm, very sharp at wide end, cheaper than Canon version, zoom ring doesn't creep.

    Not so good things...

    Still haavy than Tamron version, 82mm filter size, needed to stop down at the long end for my taste.


    However, from what I have seen, 28-70 version may be sharper, but I don't have direct comparison. If you use digital, you might want to wait for the new 24-60/2.8EX from Sigma.




  6. I think 10D is good enough. Well of course it depens on which lens you use. I personally use 100-400 for that perpose, and I think it works well. One good thing of zoom lenses is that you can catch a bird at the wider end, then zoom in. Also, if you want to shoot birds in flight, it is good to use all focus point to catch them.




  7. Am I too late?

    How about Sigma 28-70??

    It takes 77mm filter and got some good reviews.


    I actually am thinking of getting one once 17st photo get in stock. (they sells much cheaper than B&H and others, but I don't know why.)

    I currently use 17-40, 50/1.4, 70-200/4, and 100-400 on my 1n and 10D. I don't really miss that range when I use digital, but I still miss it with my film body..




  8. Seems like most people recommend 300/4 + TC1.4 over 100-400. I prefectly agree with them mostly.


    300 is lighter than 100-400, sharper at 300, maybe even sharper with x1.4 than 100-400 at 400. 100-400 at 400/5.6 is not as sharp as,,say, 350/5.6. However, one thing I like about 100-400 is that you can zoom. For such as bird in flight photo, TO ME, it is easy to catch the bird in the finder at the wide end then zoom in to 350-400 range. I cannot imagine catching birds flying with 400mm of angle of view. Well, that might be only me, but to me, that's why I went 100-400 over 300 + 1.4.




  9. I have exactly the same problem. And I also bought from 17st photo. I asked Canon service person if it is problem, and the answer is that slight rattling is normal, however, if I want to get rid of this noise, I can check in my lens for repair.


    I hope this helps.



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