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Image Comments posted by gemccaw

    Red tulip

    This simple, elegant composition transcends from run-of-the-mill flower shot into a study of light and form. Very well lit and technically executed.

    Dog, Rome


    It's photos like this which remind me of how much I love dogs. Here I go jumping on Nicholas again, but I think he's out to lunch with his cropping suggestions.


    The eyes of this dog suggest a truly sentient being.

  1. Looking thorough your portfolio, this is the one that most caught my eye. It is a very strong composition of color and form, maybe because it seems to work within the "golden triangle".


    With all due respect to Nicholas, I don't think his cropping does anything for this image. Trust the instinct that caused you to push the shutter button in the first place. You are definitely on the right track


    I'm no art critic (by any stretch) but I have looked at enough fine art to recognize compositions that work. Some might say this is not "about" anything but their folly would be looking for linear, representational depictions of the world around us when other forms of expression are not only valid but appreciated by many around you--including me.


    Another standout! I like the contrast between the plume of water and that which is relatively calm, also the lights, darks, graphic shapes and the way all are harmoniously balanced. I would imagine your subject was thrilled with this.

    looking up

    Geometric precision is one of the real hallmarks of your images, it's certainly the case here. I also like the way your lens choice has flattened the perspective in this novel composition of color and form.


    ...was my response upon first seeing this image. Upon reading that it had been constructed from folded paper then it really grabbed me. Is it art? I sure the hell think so. To take such an everyday item and to possess the creative genius to construct it into something else so entirely different, so subject to interpretation, immediately qualifies this image as art. Good job!
  2. Absolutely sublime composition! I agree with the previous poster that this is the best of the bunch. Every element pulls its weight. My only quibble is that wee bit of black (a departing wing tip?) on the left.


    Normally I'm not much of a fan of selective colorization, but in your chosen context it works to great effect. Unfortunately, the link to the animation is no longer active.

    Pink Hat


    I can see some potential here but direct flash and a centered composition are not going to get the job done.


    Try to find a situation where you can use some moodier lighting and a much darker background (possibly by a window in the late afternoon). Or, if you are using flash, get it off camera, far over to one side and high enough to throw the rim of shadow below her hat. You may be well advised to diffuse the light as well. Another suggestion might be to find a complementary color (say, a shade of green) for the background, when coupled with the other suggestions, could provide more visual interest.


    I think you're on the right track, just take your idea and keep working it some more.

    Melinda in Blue


    Unusual composition but I think you've managed to pull it off. Far more original than one portrait in particular which is currently on the TRP (ah, the power of mate-rating); in fact, I wouldn't pay much attention to the ratings you've been getting on this so far.

    The thing which attracted me most (and which I think will most aid you in your objective with this photo) was your model's expression, particularly her eyes, which speak volumes.


    BTW, I think Jeremy mistook your meaning as to which "seniors" you are appealing to.

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