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Image Comments posted by chinese_tea

  1. Louise: I trid to crop the right side but it makes the whole picture unbalanced, don't you think so? and I agree with you to lighten up those parts beyond the archway will make the picture looks better.


    Oh, does your hubby like B/W? May I get his comments on my photos or could I see the pictures he took?


    The title means the city's own memory. Thanks! ^_^

  2. James,


    I don't always use high contrast actually, but for this series of pictures which I took in this ancient city, I use this way to express my feeling, and I always like low-profile pictures.


    Yes, it's shot in B/W.


    Enjoy chatting with you. Do you have any pictures posted here?


    btw: I can not find my comments on other people's photos, and I can not find the "history" recorded which you told me before....where can I find it?

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