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Image Comments posted by robert_gantt

    Pad work

    I'm really surprised at your ratings. I think this is a very nice image compared to some the of shit that passes in this sports category. original and pleasing....thank you for this image. -robbie



    I like the expression, and the posing isn't bad.

    The lighting is very unclean which takes away from this portrait quite a bit. If this was a shot caught on the street or spur of the moment type thing it's a great start.rg

    Garlic Drying 2

    this image has a great tonal range and a very fitting light source for the surface texture. the only thing that i feel hurts this image is the strong diagonal coming from top left. leads my eye right out of the frame and doesn't flow well with rest of the shapes.

    Bullring 2

    mark, I think it's a cool shot. it seems like one of those times when it was just great to have a camera. although, admittedly i have a staircase fixation. I bet you had some more cool stuff from this outing.-robbie

    orange flower

    you asked me why i gave you the rating i did...it my opinion it was average aesthetics. and for originality-if i never see another flower shot in my life, i'd be ok with it. It's nothing personal. All art is subjective, just because I didn't like it, doesn't mean it's not good. I'm just some guy sharing his opinion. Keep shooting to please yourself.



    This is one of those photos that has a huge emotional attachment to

    it, and I wonder what a completely unbiased audience will think.

    All comments, good or bad, are welcome.

    thanks, robbie



    This was a basic lighting and composition project from many moons

    ago. I know I've advanced my craft considerably since then, but this

    is still a favorite of mine. I'm curious to hear opinions on

    originality and aesthetics. I know there are technincal

    things "wrong" but save your breath about those....

    thanks, robbie


    the hot spot on the right hand side is the only thing that hurts this photograph. very classic and traditional. I really enjoy it. Makes me think of my grandparents farmhouse. thank you, robbie
  1. Michael, I guess I'm old school, but I think the horizontal lines going through the head are a great distraction and take away from this portrait. it breaks up the mood. what you have above the top line through the head is like an isolated funky group of triangles that competes with your subject. Don't get me wrong, the exprssion on this persons face is remarkable. very soulful actually. but I'd much prefer you did crop into the head and focus more on the expression. thank you. robbie

    slide show II

    joshua, the subject itself is fine and the idea is unique...but there are some distractions in this photograph. the doorknob for one, especially on the same plane as her bottom, and the light switch almost in the dead center of the frame. Those both really hurt this image for me. Strong originality, but difficult to look at for those reasons...robbie



    This was one of those phtographs that you just take as an aside. It

    looked cool just sitting there, but I wasn't sure about the

    exposure. I had one frame left on the roll and it ended up being my

    favorite of the whole vacation.

    any comments???


    I photograph a lot of sports for a living, in particular swimmnig as of late. This photograph is just awesome. I love the motion, the color, the whole thing. Very cool to look at in my opinion. It's difficult to have something with an "it" factor when shooting sports, but I'd put this in my portfolio. Sad thing is, a lot of people I know will feel the exact opposite...and even consider it a mistake. Nonetheless, I'll give you high markings. thanks.
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