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Posts posted by timw

  1. <p>Hi guys<br>

    I need to wirelessly tether when I am shooting equestrian events only I need to be able to shoot from quite some distance to where we have laptop / printer / viewing station set up. I've tried Eye-Fi cards and whilst not too bad when within 10 metres anything beyond that and it fails miserably. I have tried using a wireless network connecting via a TP router but this was still flakey and distance nowhere near what I needed. <br>

    Can anyone make any recommendations on what I can do / use to try and get a decent wireless distance? Ideally over 100m + if possible? <br>

    Camera is a 5D Mk3 (also needless to say I want to do this as cheaply but reliably as possible too...) </p>



  2. <p>Hi guys, I have a Canon 5D Mk II, I've just invested in a new lens (EF28-300mm f/3.5-5.6L).... <br>

    Any suggestions on the best tripod / ball head etc... combination?<br>

    Thanks<br />Tim </p>

  3. Thanks guys, I already have a Canon 10D but sometimes I simply cannot be bothered to lug it around and have started to leave it at home, then wishing i hadn't!! hence the requirement for something smaller.
  4. hi Guys


    I own a Canon 10D and thoroughly enjoy photography but sometimes I simply cannot

    be bothered lugging all the gear around and spending valuable seconds setting up

    the camera- whilst the results are stunning and i really enjoy it. I am

    thinking about investing in a digital compact camera for times when i cannot be

    bothered lugging the 10D around....


    I am looking at the Leica C-Lux 1 but wondered whether anyone had any views on


    a) should I get a digital compact - is it worth the additional investment?


    b) which digital compact would they recommend?

  5. Neeed some help folks. I went on holiday to Las Vegas recently

    (returned the other day). On my return through airport security I

    specifically asked that my memory cards be hand checked and not put

    through the hand baggage scanner. (Never had any problems with this

    request before either in the UK or USA). Anyway after much debate

    and discussion a supervisor was called and despite my insisting that

    the memory cards were hand checked they put them through the xray

    machine... the supervisor even joked that they have never had any

    problems before - "...imagine how often we would be sued if these

    things did corrupt the data on the cards..." hahaha


    Well, you guessed it - got home and guess what... the data on one

    (of three) cards is corrupted. Images are distorted, PC doesn;t

    liek them - camera refuses to read them at all....


    HELP! Anyone any ideas? Anything that I can do?




  6. I don't think there will ever be an answer - if you're happy with your shot then great. It's a matter of taste. Yes I find it incredibly frustrating when someone gives you <3 without a comment but I also find it frustrating when someone gives me >3 without a comment.


    I don't think we help each other through rating - but more through constructive criticism.. and we all need to accept that criticism. Everyone is entitled to their opinion - and the ratings game is a very quick and dirty way of sharing that.


    For me, by far the most useful thing is when someone leaves a comment on how you could improve your shot or what they really liked about it (I must admit I prefer the latter - but hey I am a man and I have an ego to protect!)


    If you are happy and the people around you enjoy your images then screw what anyone else thinks - enjoy what you are doing.

  7. I don't mind viewing the ads and I am a subscriber and really enjoy the use, pleasure and sometimes frustration I get from photo.net.


    It does get my back up when non-subscribers complain - how else do you think PN pay for the bandwidth and maintenance of the site - from errrm... subscribers and errr advertising.. no such thing as a free lunch - sorry folks. Although must admit clicked on a link for to win a Nokia n-thingy (I want something for nothing) and was disappointed to find it was only open to people in the US.


    Oh well, like I said no such thing as a free lunch... just need to move out there for the hopes of winning a free Nokia n-whatever-it-is




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