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chris pastella

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Image Comments posted by chris pastella

    Best Efforts


    Thank you all. BTW I am not absolutely convinced by the new Powershot S80 but it has definitely the advantage to be light and right at hand in difficult conditions (outside temperature was - 17 C at the time of this capture).


    @ Sal': Thank you for your suggestions. I completely agree with both. You probably know how these pictures happen. You're middle in an effort, something catches your eye, you just have time to step aside, take the picture and go back to work...


    cheers !


    Great shot - decisive moment - perfect composition. The antennas and the dark area on the right side may be a bit disturbing but I think you made the right choice to crop the picture that way. Congrats.


    Amazingly beautiful. BTW it looks like you're using the same model as a certain ... stalker stalker here on PhotoNet. Am I right ? cheers !



    Though it has only a "moyenne montagne" flair and though half of the city can be met up there on the Bella Tolla I think I really like this shot.


    One suggestion after I saw Ferrando Flores Rafael's retouching: You should not hesitate to spend a week-end or so learning to tweak pictures - I know it's hard when the mountains call you. But just instal PS and try. It may be most rewarding an experience to get your pictures as you would like them to look, learning the basics of levels, saturation, contrast and color burning/dodging. Just a friendly advice from a fellow mountain climber. cheers !

    Winter calm

    Very interesting composition with this perspective of clouds. Too bad these "strange dots" and the flare in the sky. Good eye, very nice portfolio, wonderful country, by the way. cheers !


    Very beautiful and natural colors on this one too. I remember the mountains of the Val d'Anniviers late summer '03. Arid and naked exactly like here. Climatic shift couldn't be more obvious. Thank you (like always) for sharing.
  1. Now Sal' let me guess... You went on the Bishorn the next day, right ? In any case, each time I see your mountain sceneries, I click so look at them and enjoy. Btw: colors natural and well balanced on this one. A+, c.

    The red spot

    No red spot to see on my screen, Sal'. Must be the ujnfortunate calibration of the colors on my old laptop. So in my view the subject is a bit too small and there are probably not enought features or contrasts that make the ice really interesting as such. Nevertheless I am thrilled by your northern captures. So I'll be back ! chris.
  2. Thanks for your remark Najib. Unfortunately the highlight was, as I said, sudden and quick and I couldn't have the sunray and some costumed persons in red together in that square all at the same time. But next time I'll think about it ;-)


    @ Ray:


    Thank you for your very nice suggestions (btw there must also be some blurring in your version). My wife prefers your picture, so I'm quite puzzled now, because she's always right in her tastes ;-)


    Cheers !

  3. Great. I was also told the frame shouldn't be larger than the subject - i.e. your friend/girlfriend/wife (I hope this time all possibilities have been encompassed :-) - so I agree with Gary. Anyway, this is an impressive picture and every rule has its exceptions. Always nice to see your postings. cheers !


    ... to the mountainclimbing photographer family. Your shot works imo - congratulations. I'm not absolutely convinced about the upper third since it looks a bit empty but the overall effect is really great. Thank you for sharing, cheers !
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