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Image Comments posted by planar

    Forced Fumble

    Hi Jason. I think the whole series could improve a lot if you take a more minimalistic approach on what you include in your background. Less is more. Show only what is interesting. For example here you want to draw the viewers attention on the dramatic graple between the players and or/the emotions of refree. The boring background merges with the exiting foreground in a confusing way. You might take a shooting position that enables you to have a plain brick wall as your background or you can shoot from a high spot to change the perspective. I know its not always easy to do that-just sharing some thoughts.

    Open Field Runner

    This shot is well composed but still somehow appears a bit static. I think the crowd behind the athlete that confuses the eye because the colors of the athlete and the crown are similar ataking away the sense of depth and space. Certanily the shallow DoF helps but still...I am also thinking if a reference point in space would give more momentum to the shot.
  1. Nice! I really like the way you composed this. There is just everything you need to see, nothing more nothing less. It took me a while looking at this to fully appreciate the strenght of the composition. Even the way the image is split in two parts (upper green, lower brown) is lovely. I would give it a 7 if it was sharper. I would also use a shallower depth of field. I don't think the background should be so much in focus as it distracts from the beautiful foreground. Overall a very nice and original shot. I wish I had this on my "healer's basket" portfolio. Well done!
  2. Thank you everyone for your comments. I tried different crops on this one but none seemed to work. Cropping right and bottom moves the climber away from the center of the image and he is kinda lost in the vastness of the cave. It also moves the diagonal line of the cave further right unbalancing(?) the composition.
  3. Last time I found myself watching someone climbing "Aegialis" in the

    light of dusk was 3 years ago and back then I had no camera.

    This "would be" photograph haunted me for 3 years until few days ago

    when I returned to the small climbing paradise of Kalymnos for an

    International climbers meeting. I would not do the same mistake


    breakfast in Tia

    In turn it reminds me the work of Fred Boissonas, a true photographic master of the previous century. I dare not say if the light is 100% natural or not (as I am not experienced in digital manipulation) but the result is certainly pleasing. Some might disagree but I would prefer to see the subjects acting more naturaly as if they were not aware of the photographer. The child's direct look on the camera although charming takes a bit away of from the mystagogue atmosphere. I would also not use that frame. That said I still think you produced an astonising overall result here. Well done

    Jedi Mind Tricks

    Great shot. It would be really great to shot this without the spotters and maybe one or two moves lower before he topped out to capture him in fult context with the rock. Also shooting this at dawn/dusk could have made it even better with a more colorful light and sky. The light is pretty harsh. Thats not always a bad thing though, as it makes the texture of the rock to stand out. Just some thoughts anyway...Hope to see more bouldering shots in your portfolio!

    Joshua Tree

    This one is not as good as the other one. The main problems here is lighting and framing. The climber is not the center of attention. He is kinda lost in the scenery and the darkness. I think you tried to put the nice scenery on the frame but you lost your main focus in the process. Still it's a good capture under non-ideal lighting conditions.

    Try Harder

    I really don't get photo net people sometimes! If that's not original then what is it? At least I know its not a problem of only my climbing shots. Anyway Porscha that's a great bouldering shot. The conditions are great (see light) and you managed to capture a sick move! Wish i could see his facial expression! Please post more!


    Out of this world! There are few comments we can make other than "Stunning!" Havn't seen such a beautiful and original wildlife shot for some time.
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