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Image Comments posted by melissa_w.___arizona_calif

  1. Hugh - I didn't get much of a chance to talk with him. From what he said though you know he is a happy soul! There is one picture I missed that I could just kick myself for missing. While I was talking with him he looked up and gave me the most pleasant toothless smile. I tried to get back a few days later but he wasn't there. I have tried a few different versions of this photo. I will be posting them later, possibly for critique. Thanks for fiddling with it though. I love when people do that, it gives me ideas!

    Lucas & Frank - I will be posting later a different version of this photo with it cropped. Hope you will take a look!

    Thanks again for all the comments, they are much appreciated!

  2. Hugh - First off... this is MUCH better! I would be proud to have such a beautiful photo of my child! I really like the lighting. Second... thanks for looking at my photos and leaving a nice comment. After looking at your work I feel honored! Third... I have taken a quick look through your portfolio and love what I see so far, but need more time to take a closer look. I will be keeping in touch!
  3. I would say this photo is a no-no! Don't get me wrong, the baby is cute...but in a different setting. The lighting brings out those blue eyes just a little too much! Very unnatural and a little scary.


    I would have liked it if there was more detail to the clouds. Let the sun go just behind them to get that nice glow. Your horizon is a bit off as well. Try it again when the clouds are as nice as this, and find a nice foreground feature.
  4. This photo is great. I was curious though to see your other pictures since you wanted to see how this one compares. There was another one that I liked better, it had more shadows, but this was a close second. Colors are striking and the clouds are nice and dramatic. Good job!


    Those are some nasty looking cucumbers... actually they look like pickles to me! Kinda looks like mold is growing on them or something. Its just not very appealing.

    muzeum in Basel

    Its definitely interesting and caught my eye. I think it would have been better though if the bottom right corner had been a bit more clean. What I like about it is that it has a lot of different angles, that corner clutters it up a bit with the people and tables. Some might disagree! Still a good shot!
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