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Posts posted by denny_kyser

  1. I am considering getting a back up to my 10D, now may be a good time to do it. I love mine and was considering getting a Medium Format for a back up but hard to do that when I have all my good canon lenses. The 10D is plenty of camera for me at this point of my career and I am getting outstanding results from it. I just am not sure about my Elan 7E as a back up, so may get another 10D.
  2. I am getting ready to set up my studio, and want some background

    sugestions. Here is what I currently have.


    Small Beige muslin for single bust shots, Full length Black cloth

    from Background Outlet for full length shots and white sheets for

    white. I am not real happy with the white sheets because its so hard

    to keep them clean for full lenght shots.


    I am going to order the 11' Bogen stands and have a portable

    background stand for both studio and location work.


    Should I get some white seamless paper (is there any disadvantage to

    this?) or do you have any better ideas for a white background.


    I also want to get one really nice 10X20 muslin for family and full

    length Portraits, and sugestions to what color to get if only going

    to get one for now. I was thinking something to match jeans and

    kahki, this way most people could have this color clothing. I do have

    and pretty good at using digital backgrounds for shots taken on the

    white background.


    All help and sugestion would be appreciated, since I have never used

    paper background. Denny

  3. I am looking for a background support and looking for sugestions. I

    am looking for a good support for my backgrounds, I have been just

    atatching them to the walls but not very professional looking and

    changing them is not easy. I am sure I will soon be trying some

    background paper also.


    I want a decent system that is not too pricey. Holding more than one

    background would be nice but not a absolute have to have.


    Any sugestions would be appreciated.


  4. Ok, my Sekonik L-358 meter is not acting right. I have it in ambient

    mode but the Apeture is staying the same and only the shutter speed

    is changing. I am used to and like setting the shutter speed and

    having the f stop change.


    I can not find my manual so hoping some of you can help. I have all

    my dip swithces on the back down like it was from factory.


    When I turn it on it shows the sun highlighted, iso1 100, full

    battary, T 15, F 1.02 When I move the dial the F stop stays the same

    and the shutter speed changes.


    Hope you guys can help. Denny

  5. I know this has been covered before but needing some imput. I have

    decided to go with either the Stoboframe Quick Flip 350 or the Pro

    66. Can any of you give me some input to which would work better for

    me. I will be using it both for my 10D and elan.



  6. Do they make a good rechargeable AA battary system that works good

    for photo equipment. I am wanting an option for my Flash equipment

    and wondering if any of the rechargeable hold a charge good, last a

    while and after sitting a few weeks still work. Do they have memory

    etc. Hope you guys have had some success on some types.

  7. OK, When I am taking beach photos (sun behind subject) and going to

    use fill flash at 2 stops under ambient. Which way do you face to

    take reading, I am assuming that you would hold meter same way your

    subject would be facing to get the ambient reading but want to know

    if anyone does it differant.


    I want the background to be clear and well exposed I suppose you

    could hold the meter flat horizonly. I have a chance to shoot on the

    beach this week and hoping to get some imput before I go.

  8. Can a Canon 550ex be fired with a Pocket Wizard? I tried this a while

    ago and could not get it to work wondering if anyone has found a way

    to make it work?


    My goal is to use my 550ex off camera (10-15 feet) in Manual mode

    along with a vivitar 283.

  9. I am going to get a Manual flash to use outdoors as a fill flash and

    am between these to vivitar flashes. Can anyone give me some insight

    on the quality and available accesories. I would go with the 285

    except looks like there are more accesories for the 283. I do like

    the variable Power of the 285 ??

  10. What do you guys use for backgrounds when doing High Key? I have

    been using sheets with pretty good results but wanting to get

    somethng a little better and possibly easier to keep clean. Also

    something that is easier to keep from wrinkling on the floor part.<div>008fbC-18545184.jpg.0ce6f748348fb03b61e57fa456ae35f5.jpg</div>

  11. I am looking for a portable flash (of camera) that can be used

    outside when needed for fill, and maybe in studio once in a while. I

    have a good meter so it doesnt need to be TTL, M would be fine. I

    also have Pocket Wizards so would like to be able to use them. I was

    looking at the Sunpak 120J, and wondering if anyone else has used

    this or have a better solution.

  12. "why the MF for a backup instead of another Digital or 35mm film"


    I feel I am ready to get into professional photography again, I used to do weddings but to be honest shooting with just two Canon A2's and Metz flashes was pretty risky, If I had a request for a very large print, could have had issues,although I did tell them my limitations.


    why not another digital? Well to go to a 1D Mark 2 is some bucks and more than I want to spend now.. and even a 10D is more than I can get a MF setup for. I have my Elan 7E which is a great camera and I feel confident with it. I guess I will feel good having a MF incase I need to do formals and my 10D dies...Besides, never shot MF and guess I feel I should. LOL..

  13. I want to get a MF Set to compliment and back up my setup now. I

    curently have a Canon 10D (Digital) Elan 7E (35mm), several

    monolights and a good Sekonic L358 Meter. I shoot mainly portraits

    and have a couple good tripods.


    What I want is a used cheap (since this will be mostly a backup)

    reliable and Good Image Quality system. Since I have never used a MF

    know very little but do know 9 out of 10 Pics I take my cameras are

    in the Portrait mode. I dont want to pay for a lot of automatic stuff

    that I dont need.


    One more important thing, since this will be a Manual Focus system,

    need the largest and clearest viewfinder since my age is taking its

    toll on my eyes. Also important are availabilty of access incase this

    turns into my Main System..


    Hope I gave enough information for you to help me get started in this

    quest for a MF setup.

  14. I have been using umbrellas for my main/fill lights but want to

    experiment with a softbox (never used one) I am usually only shooting

    one model at a time but want to be able to do both 3/4 and full shots

    with it. I understand there is not a perfect softbox size for both

    but am hoping there is a size that will do ok with both.


    What type of Softbox will work with Photogenic 1250 PL's ? What size

    and other factors should I look for?


    Thanks for any sugestions.

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