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Posts posted by stephenwagnerphoto.com

  1. I'd search pawn shops and used camera gear for a broken lens, and remove the lens mount - preferably a metal one as long as the screw holes are in the same place, and it doesn't interfere with the rear element of the lens. Hey, you're on a budget right?

    The other option is pick up the 50mm 1.8. It's about smack dab in the middle of your other two lenses.

  2. cheap solution: if you have an old lens that doesn't work (or buy a cheapie used one somewhere) and remove the lens mount (4 screws?), and epoxy it to a step up ring Xmm - 62mm (X being the filter diameter of the lens you want to screw it on to). Then use the DOF button to hold the aperature where you want. Works for me.
  3. I'm sure we've all been there.

    You're taking pictures of a family or friend event, and someone

    says "Do you want me to take a picture with you in it?"


    I have an Elan 7, and although it's not a pro body, I had a hard

    time getting average joe's to take even a decent picture with me

    joining the action for a second.


    What do others do? (Assuming you don't always have a tripod in your

    back pocket) Do you just let them do their worst, forbid them from

    taking a picture, or are you better equipped than me at explaining

    to someone (who's never held a SLR) how to take a simple picture?


    Any "helpful" suggestions appreciated.

  4. I've owned a Rebel G for over 4 years, and just made the jump to the Elan 7 a couple of months ago. From experience I can say GO FOR IT. Although a new camera body won't magically make you a good, or even better photographer, the limitations of the Rebel G can hold you back from taking better pictures while using the same techniques.

    e.g. flash photos are terrible with the rebel G unless you use FEC. Having one partial meter in the center is of no help for off center subjects, and not being able to adjust flash exposure if the center isn't 18% gray.

    Get the Elan 7, and save up for a decent flash like the 420.

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