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Image Comments posted by vickilynn



    Royal Walnut Moth - Citheronia regalis (Fabricius, 1793)

    Identification: Females are larger than males. Upperside of forewing is

    gray with red-orange veins and creamy yellow spots. Upperside of

    hindwing is orange with creamy yellow at the costa and inner margin.


    Life history: Adults emerge in late evening and mate the following

    evening. Females begin laying eggs at dusk the next day, depositing

    them in groups of 1-3 on both sides of host plant leaves. Eggs hatch

    within 6-10 days, and the caterpillars feed alone. Young caterpillars rest

    on the tops of leaves and resemble bird droppings, while older

    caterpillars appear menacing because they are very large and brightly

    colored with red "horns" near the head. Caterpillars pupate in a burrow

    in the soil.



    Flight: One brood from May through mid-September.



    Wing span: 3 15/16 - 6 1/4 inches (10 - 16 cm).

    Polyphemus Moth


    Moths protect themselves from predators in some interesting ways. For

    example, can you figure out how the Polyphemus Moth, Antheraea

    polyphemus might cause a hungry bird to go away? Notice how this

    moth's hindwings are adorned with what appears to be eyes glaring at

    us. Well, if you were a bird about to pounce on the poor Polyphemus,

    and the Polyphemus opened its wings and those big yellow eyes were

    suddenly staring at you, wouldn't you think twice about gobbling it up!

    Polyphemus Moth


    Moths protect themselves from predators in some interesting ways. For

    example, can you figure out how the Polyphemus Moth, Antheraea

    polyphemus might cause a hungry bird to go away? Notice how this

    moth's hindwings are adorned with what appears to be eyes glaring at

    us. Well, if you were a bird about to pounce on the poor Polyphemus,

    and the Polyphemus opened its wings and those big yellow eyes were

    suddenly staring at you, wouldn't you think twice about gobbling it up!


    Do you think the frame takes away from the photo?


    Velvet Ant (2)

    Yes she is real. My son found it and we looked it up online because I had never seen one before. I was able to get about 40 photos of her before we let her go.

    Velvet Ant (2)


    For more detail view "Larger"

    Common Name: Red velvet ant or "cow killer" Scientific Name:

    Dasymutilla occidentalis (Linnaeus) Order: Hymenoptera Description:

    These insects are wasps, not ants. Females are wingless and covered

    with dense hair, superficially resembling ants. The red velvet-ant is the

    largest velvet-ant species, reaching about 3/4 inch in length. They are

    black overall with patches of dense orange-red hair on the thorax and

    abdomen. Males are similar but have wings and can not sting.

    Comments welcome. thanks

    Velvet Ant


    Common Name: Red velvet ant or "cow killer"

    Scientific Name: Dasymutilla occidentalis (Linnaeus)

    Order: Hymenoptera

    Description: These insects are wasps, not ants. Females are wingless

    and covered with dense hair, superficially resembling ants. The red

    velvet-ant is the largest velvet-ant species, reaching about 3/4 inch in

    length. They are black overall with patches of dense orange-red hair on

    the thorax and abdomen. Males are similar but have wings and can not



    Comments welcome. thanks

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