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Everything posted by johncrosley

  1. johncrosley

    'The Street Life'

    Yes, this indeed is surreal -- the main reason it's posted. In fact, I had the idea to post it two weeks ago and couldn't find the original or a worked up copy and spend that two weeks searching. I finally found it. Frankly, the color version is better, much better, to my mind, and I invite a look at my home page where it's on my ImageBrief portfolio, as the costumes are in red and the facial coloring is 'just right'. I think you'll enjoy an improvement; this folder I am mostly using for b&w despite its name, or I'd have posted that here which creates a dilemma when I get a very good photo that shows best in color. Link to color version is posted in comment above. Why Woody Allen? Maybe the glasses (they're orange, just so you know), he's a comedian (Woody Allen started off as a comedy writer for Your Show of Shows with Sid Ceasar) but that's NOT his former wife's daughter next to him if I may be a little snarky. Thanks for the comment; best to you. john John (Crosley)
  2. johncrosley

    'The Street Life'

    The color version is very striking. It can be found by the link on my home page or at this link to my portfolio on ImageBrief.com: http://www.imagebrief.com/photographers/john-271#/portfolio There are about 1300+ mostly color photos also on that and the succeeding 33+ pages together with about 13,000 pages of photos for commercial licensing. Have a look at both and let me know which you prefer, please. john John (Crosley)
  3. johncrosley

    'The Street Life'

    This couple in their polka dotted costumes and partially hidden accordion prepares to make a little spare change on a heavily traveled tourist sidewalk. Your ratings, critiques and observations are invited and most welcome. If you rate harshly or very critically, or wish to make a remark, please submit your observation in a helpful and constructive comment; please share your photographic knowledge to help improve my photography. Thanks! Enjoy! john
  4. johncrosley

    'The Street Life'

    Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows)

    © Copyright 2016, John Crosley/Crosley Trust, all rights reserved, No reproduction or other use without express prior written permission from copyright holder

  5. Frankly, I could hardly believe my eyes when this woman put this smart phone so close to her eyes that it illuminated her face after first holding it a great distance away, apparently in an attempt to make out the writing/symbols on it. She then, here, began to hunt and peck a message, which I only discovered when I downloaded, and you can even see the lines of text on the smart phone -- and best of all; this is a crop from a hand held zoom telephoto at a very slow shutter speed. It's one of those Trump like deals where 'I nailed it' -- -- look at me, she can't see, and I'm proud of myself for demonstrating that so sell. I try my hardest to post interesting photos -- ones that often are unusual views of ordinary life that we might even see in passing for fear of being 'caught' for staring. I do stare, but in an instance like this, from a great distance-- here across a fast food restaurant (with wi-fi). I like here color and the background, and it worked out that the screen color predominated, emphasized a little in post processing. I also like that it's her index finger pointing and it's straight on, actually poking her new contraption. For me that is photo bliss. I posted this in an older folder where people seldom look, hoping that by sheer force of being 'good' people might see it, since it didn't do well at all when first shown . . . . but I have my own personal favorites, and this is one. I felt it belonged among my best color and that's I think where it shall stay. Thanks for helping verify my choice . . . . . I think this one's popularity will grow over time, but we'll see. One thing we do know; it's not an ordinary, run-of-the mill photo of even a run-of-the mill Crosley photo. I very much appreciate your taking the time and effort to let me know your thoughts. john John (Crosley)
  6. johncrosley

    'The Bookkeeper'

    Thanks for the vote of approval.   Best wishes and thanks for stopping by.   john   John (Crosley)
  7. This well-dressed woman getting along in years and with apparent failing eyesight struggles with the latest gadget, her new smart phone, as she pokes at it with her index finger, while bringing it right up to her eyes so she can see it better. Your ratings, critiques and observations are invited and most welcome. If you rate harshly, very critically, or wish to make a remark, please submit a helpful and constructive comment; please share your photographic knowledge to help improve my photography. Thanks! Enjoy! john
  8. © 2016, John Crosley/Crosley Trust, All Rights Reserved, No reproduction or other use without express prior written permission from copyright holder;Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows);

    © © 2016 John Crosley/Crosley Trust; All rights reserved, No reproduction or other use without prior express written permission from copyright holder

  9. johncrosley

    'The Bookkeeper'

    This is the face of America!  She buys detergent, cares for kids probably, checks out schools, keeps American running.  She's never heralded in commercials, but she is America's backbone, I think.   She's probably just one paycheck from having being destitute if national figures bear me out, given the job she's performing (no indication she's the boss's wife).   She's the 'real deal' with no special moments caught with a hidden camera or from behind a power pole, no tricks or angles in photographing her, and nothing special other than recognizing that she has a universal appeal but does probably not shop at fancy department stores.   She is the 'middle class' of America, however much it's disappearing, I'd venture.   In her own way, she's a sweetheart.     john   John (Crosley)
  10. johncrosley

    'The Bookkeeper'

    No it was not then exam time, but it's a timely reminder that one's overdue, and maybe a lifesaver; thanks for the reminder.  I'd overlooked the association.   And I never though I'd hear the term 'money shot' associated with a sweet, plump woman obviously more intent on counting bills and invoices than calories, so another good one for you.   I'm known for taking 'gritty' photos with 'realism', but this is 'realistic' too, and of a more 'sweet' nature, because that's the woman who presented herself to me and allowed me to take her portrait in a fraction of a second or several, then on I went.   I was reviewing older shots recently and this 'money shot' caught my eye, and I said 'why didn't I ever consider this?, it's pretty good?   And so you see it here.   Good or not, it's my favorite of the day.   Thanks for the endorsement.   And the reminder about seeing the guy with the gloved hand who may save my life.  It's past time.   john   john (Crosley)
  11. johncrosley

    'The Bookkeeper'

    This pleasant looking woman, computer at gloved hands, is 'the bookkeeper for an automotive repair/sales facility. Your ratings, critiques and remarks are invited and most welcome. If you rate harshly, very critically, or just wish to make an observation, please submit a helpful and constructive comment; please share your photographic knowledge to help improve my photography. Thanks! Enjoy! john
  12. johncrosley

    'The Bookkeeper'

    Copyright: 2016 John Crosley/Crosley Trust, All Rights Reserved;No reproduction or other use without express prior written permission from copyright holder Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows);

    © Copyright 2016, John Crosley/Crosley Trust, all rights reserved, No reproduction or other use without express prior written permission from copyright holder

  13. It turns out the flu virus that closed the schools and had these people wearing masks was probably a political ploy by that beautiful political leader in order to unite the people behind her leadership; no evidence was ever given that meaningfully explained people died of such a flu or there was an epidemic or a pandemic.   Moreover, talks with a transportation figure well-placed in charge of air cargo into Ukraine tells me that corrupt and/or outdated government regulations caused FREE medical supplies donated by neighbors and well-meaning institutions had to be returned.     Of course, it all makes sense if one understands there really was no epidemic, much less a pandemic.   Since then, that woman leader spend years in prison under her successor president the corrupt President Yanukovich who under the Maidan  Revolution was driven from power; she suffered a crippling back ailment during her imprisonment which was for allegedly driving up and/or taking kickbacks for pushing up energy prices.  Although a 'reformer' and 'populist' in name and by reputation, her political career had predated the 'Orange Revolution' which drove her (and a cohort) into national power where they feuded and drove the government into the dust, to be taken over in a lawful election by the corrupt Yanukovich.   But his corruption is now well documented; I was at Maidan when demonstrators fought against his militia, and then just before he fled the country fearing for his life, first to Crimea (which Russia grabbed in a phony election) then to Rostov Na Donu (Rostov On Don), Russia, where he allegedly lives the good life of the fallen but loyal neighbor dictator who pursued neighbor Russia/Putin's goals to the end -- literally to the end.  His lavish palace like personal residence has been set aside as a park in a 'memorial to corruption' in which most things in the residence are plated in gold while Yanukovich told others he lived a simple life . . . . an enormous lie.   But then the monied and wealthy of Ukraine do a lot of lying, but at the same time, I'm not one of them, and I don't comment on them other than this single thread.   I'm much more interested in documenting them, and if I were in Russsia I'd be more interested in documenting the people's behavior, dress and actions, than anything else. After all, I lived there for a while during Yeltsin's time in regional Russia and Moscow, about half time, commuting and found the Russian people more genuinely warm and inviting than the Ukrainians.   But parts also are much more aggressive.   And, well, businessmen of both countries, watch out!   So, I have no wishes to align myself with either country, but bide my time away taking what I hope are telling photos.  I know the stories and the history, past and present, but I am no obsessed with it and seldom if ever speak about it; it's personal knowledge I almost never share.   I share my photos, for the benefit of photo connoisseurs like you, and for the people of the world to see the similarities between us all.   But from my unique viewpoint.   Thanks for the multiple compliments.   I may publish books of my photos, but never about Eastern European/Russian politics . . . . . photography is my life.   Best wishes.   john   John (Crosley)
  14. johncrosley

    'Dark Orbs'

    A more careful look at his jacket reveals he is a member of a 'low rider' automobile club, not a motorcycle club. My error, for which I apologize. john John (Crosley)
  15. It was only a few moments from the time I met this guy in the street sporting his unusual headgear having just passed this wall art, and I thought 'I have to put them together'. Happily I introduced myself, and he agreed. His headgear should tell you something about his personality at the time, and hence his willingness. I know he thought of a companion, color photo, as a treasure, and have no reason when he sees this he won't feel the same way. In a way though, shot with 'direction' it's 'candid' in its own way' -- it just took moments to shoot and off we went our separate directions. Best to both of you and thanks. john John (Crosley)
  16. Pardon me for misspelling your name. It's yours and it's special to you. My apologies to you for my mistake. john John (Crosley)
  17. I literally went through a thousand photos wondering 'what shall I post next' and even passed this one up in color as I want to try to keep this folder b&w, but then it dawned on me 'if I convert this photo to b&w, what will it look like?" I did and was pleased with the result which you see. This is slightly older, but a goodie with a different expression, seen by no one until today. Thanks for the excellent compliment on my 'street' collection; collecting and maintaining it is a 'way of life' for me, so in effect you compliment the way I've been leading my life by doing so. Thanks so much. Best wishes. john John (Crosley)
  18. Thank you for great comment. Just for the record, however, this is a FABULOUS color photo also; you'd be amazed at its color potential, but it's just hard to envision if you've seen b&w only. In fact, it was so fabulous as a color photo it was only by happenstance that I tried a B&W conversion and was satisfied by that, and since it was in keeping with the major theme of this folder, well . . . . Someday, keep a look out. I can be full of surprises. Thanks for a kind comment. John (Crosley)
  19. **Repeated comment and request for critique** On day in Portland(ia), in the most interesting (and my native) state of Oregon, I happened on this guy, with his unusual headgear and took his portrait in front of this interesting piece of street art. Your ratings, critiques and observations are invited and most welcome. If you rate harshly, very critically, or wish to make a remark, please submit a helpful and constructive comment; please share your photographic knowledge to help improve my photography. Thanks! Enjoy! john
  20. I'd hide my pride under a barrel if I said I had nothing to do with his hat, his goofy facial expression and the unusual wall art coming together thusly. Remember, this is a portrait, and I'm pretty observant, so I asked this guy if he'd give a few moments for a portrait a while ago, he assented, then I said 'over here' indicating this fortuitous spot nearby. He soon saw the point; I saw another from this series on his social media site. It has been a favorite of mine ever since; a street portrait, but NOT a candid . . . well not exactly. Thanks for your kind evaluation. john John (Crosley)
  21. On day in Portland(ia), in the most interesting (and my native) state of Oregon, I happened on this guy, with his unusual headgear and took his portrait in front of this interesting piece of street art. Your ratings, critiques and observations are invited and most welcome. If you rate harshly, very critically, or wish to make a remark, please submit a helpful and constructive comment; please share your photographic knowledge to help improve my photography. Thanks! Enjoy! john
  22. johncrosley

    'On the Street, Really'

    Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows) To see my color portfolio on ImageBrief.com and my home page here, please go to this URL: http://www.imagebrief.com/photographers/john-271#/portfolio

    © © 2016, John Crosley/Crosley Trust, All Rights Reserved, No reproduction or other use without express prior written permission from copyright holder

  23. johncrosley

    'Dark Orbs'

    It's a great compliment to me you've been so busy commenting on my photos; thank you so much my friend. john John (Crosley)
  24. I entered this shop; this guy was hard of hearing, but I conveyed to him I would take my photos (lots of them it turned out) and be out of there in short time. I kept my word and ended up with what I think are fine, timeless photos. I felt good about keeping my word; and in return this guy actually had to be reminded when I left that indeed I had been photographing as I disturbed him to say 'goodbye!' This is where mastery of your equipment comes in super handy, and also the art of 'street shooting' when you must take photos in a fraction of a second which I did, but in a long series,. nearly all of them good, landscape and portrait, color and b&w. Win Win! He was not bothered; I got what I wanted and quickly. Best to you. John (Crosley)
  25. johncrosley

    'The Fail'

    This is part of a series on 'fails' which in my nearly 2,300 photos posted here, one can find about three or four others. Imagine the good timing (and luck) to capture not only the composition but the exact moment when the assailant, left, puts his foot on the recliner, right/center, in (I hope) mock combat. I have a similar photo from La Boca, Camanita, Buenos Aires, Argentina, to show that such mock vanquisher behavior is not confined to this circumstance. And, for that matter, imagine any puppy rolling over to expose its belly to a superior dog, male or female, when threatened, in a gesture of complete submission -- submissive gestures are not just limited to humans, apparently and may be 'hard wired' into higher mammalian species. Best wishes, john John (Crosley)
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