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Posts posted by maik

  1. i sure would like to shoot too so that would be:

    (22) Maik -s


    but as i can only scan print photos and dunno if that will go through the quality control of this forum i could be a judge just as well. if scanning print photos is ok i'd shoot. travis, you decide.

  2. Hi all,<br>

    for some of you this might be interesting: The German based

    publisher "2001" that specialises in reprints now offers a new

    photobook by Gyula Halasz (Brassaï). It contains 308 photos some

    taken from former publishings "Paris de nuit" and "Paris secret". As

    this is available for EUR 20 (ca. US$25) I'm gonna get a copy. Lots

    of pictures for that money. I believe they ship world-wide so you

    might want to take a look at: <br><br>


    <a href="http://www.zweitausendeins.de/indexengl.htm">2001 website</a



    and then do a search for "brassai".<br><br>


    I have no shares from this company and don't get money to advertise,

    I just thought the offer was good and interesting to fellow



    Cheers, Maik

  3. Hi Forum!

    did I get a good bargain? Yesterday I bought a R4 with Vario-Elmar

    3,5 / 35-70mm for about US$920. I know (and have read in this forum)

    that this combination is about the least liked by the people around

    here but I do like the R4 and will soon find out that the 3,5 /35-70

    is much better than my skills.


    Some questions I have and I can't seem to find a R4 manual on the net:


    How does the exposure modes work? There are two "A" modes, one marked

    with a round LED and one with a square LED. Is one of them "spot



    How do I operate "T" and "P" modes? Do I have to set the smallest



    There is a little "thing" on the left front (looking at the camera

    from the front). It seems to turn? what does it do?


    Thanks for some input.



  4. Mostly my M3 with 50mm collabsible elmarit on all my travels. Metering with Gossen Digisix this is the smallest outfit I can think of. That accounts for 70%. 10% for when I take a CV Bessa with 35/3,5 along on holidays and 20% with Minolta X700 for Portraits. Another 10% for all the odd stuff I get my hands on when travelling.


    Hmmm, that makes 110%



  5. hi khiem,


    you might want to take these photos again in the early morning or the late evening hours when the sun is just setting. i found that taking portraits with natural light works best in the morning or the evening as the light is softer and you get better skin tones also you get better contrast.


    apart from that, good pictures.

    bye, maik

  6. I love photography, and used several SLR and RF systems so far. I am no professional although I earned some money doing weddings, portraits and some newspaper stuff while still in school/college. After some time I found RF to be good for travel and weddings and SLR to be good for portraits (wonder who else found that out). I always changed my system completely when I had the feeling that another system would get me better results OR would make buying used stuff easier. Mostly this went without hard feelings. Although I regret giving up my Nikon SLR outfit with 3 Bodies to get me a new Contax RTS III. What a waste. Leica? It was always a dream to have one, like the Porsche when cars is your hobby or the Montblanc or the Rolex (of which I have none). I have not tried Nikon RF or Zeiss RF so I can only say that Leica is the best (quality of bodies and lenses) RF system I have used. If there was no Leica, I'd probably have dreamed about a Nikon SP. About the Leica forum I like that most Leica users (not the professionals) around here have an approach to photography that I like: Take photos and love it, use our Leica equipment and love it, listen to the Leica bashers and smile.


    Greetings, Maik

  7. Travis,

    I usually sell my stuff when I want something new. No need having 10 bodies and 20 lenses around the house. I once sold my entire SLR outfit (4 bodies and 12 lenses) just to enter the RF world. After some time it felt funny not to have an SLR around so I bought one with 2 lenses just to have it. Also I lurk on eBay and when there seems to be a bargain from a good seller I'd try to get it. Just last week I bought a M3 (from '65) and an 3,5/50 Elmar for EUR 950,- from an Austrian used-camera-shop. They said the camera was B- (which is actually poor) and I took the chance. It turned put to be on really excellent condition having just recently been CLA'ed and the vulcanite in 100% good condition. That really was a bargain. I have had my Bessa R for some time now and am thinking to upgrading to R2 so the Bessa R will be sold again. No use in having the unused equipment lying 'round.


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